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1、七年级期末单元知识要点归纳总结 (Unit1-2)1介绍自己要用 My name is . . . 或 I am. . . ,介绍别人则用 His/Her name is. . .或 This is. . .询问别人的姓名用 Whats your/his/her name?2.表示“我生活/住在某地。 ”要用 I live in +地点。如:I live in China.3.询问对方的身体健康状况,要用 How are you? 答语为:Im fine/Fine,thanks.4.人们见面时的寒喧话常用 Nice to meet you.答语为:Nice to meet you, too或

2、Me,too.5.询问单数物品时,要用 Whats this/it? 答语为Its a/an +单数名词。其中,this 为指示代词,表示离说话人较近的事物。在答语中,一般要用 it 代替this.6询问某人或某物在某地,要用 Where is. . .?如:Where is the school?There it is.7询问数量多少要用 How many. How many后面必须接复数名词。如:How many markers do you have? I have four./Four.8.He,she,it都是人称代词主格形式,都是第三人称单数。学过的物主代词有 my,your ,h

3、is,her.9.表示客气的请求要用 May I,please?答语为Sure./OK (Here you are.)10.borrow 与 have.都可以表示“借”之意,区别在于:前者表示借了要还;而后者则指借了不必还。如:May I borrow your book, please? May I have a piece of paper?11.Thanks之类的感谢用语的答语为 Youre welcome.12.“打开。 。.”用 Open the ,open的对应词为close.如:Open the window./Close your book,please.13.询问物品的颜色时

4、,要用 What color is/are? 答语为 Its/They are+颜色。如:What color is your skirt ? Its pink.14.询问物品是谁的,要用 whose . whose 可以作定语,也可以作表语,两种句型常可以进行同义转换。如:Whose shots are these?=Whose are these shorts?15.询问别人喜欢什么,用 Do you like?答语用Yes,I do.或 No,I dont。16.名词的复数是指名词的数量超过了 1,名词的末尾别忘加 s。如:two desk , six pencils但是 fish的复数

5、可以是原形。17.Are these?是”这些是吗?”,其中单数形式是 Is this?”(这是.吗?)18.英语国家的名字是姓氏(surname)在后,名(given name)在前.如:Jim Green 中 Jim是名字,Green 是姓氏.Uinit3-41询问对方的感受用 How do you feel?回答时用 Im/I feel+表示感情或感觉的形容词.如:-How do you feel? 你感觉怎么样?-Im/I feel happy/sad/cold/hot/tired/cool/warm.我(感到)很高兴/难过/冷/热/累/凉爽/暖和.2.询问人的高度用 How tall

6、,回答时用“数字 + meter(s) + tall”,也可以用 I dont know如:How tall are you? Im 1.3 meters tall.3.询问人或物品的情况用 Whats the matter? 还可说成 Whats the matter with?其答语并不固定,如:Whats the matter with your finger? I cut it. It hurts.4.表达自己饥饿/口渴,想吃/喝东西时,用 Im hungry/thirsty. I want to eat/drink want to 的委婉说法是 would like to.如:Im

7、hungry. I want to / would like to eat some dumplings.5.含有实义(行为)动词的一般现在时的肯定句变成否定句时,要在实义(行为)动词前面加 dont/doesnt,do/does 为助动词,无意义,只用于构成语法形式,如:I do my homework in the evening. I dont do my homework in the evening.这类句型变成一般疑问句时,要把助动词 do 放在主语(第 3人称单数除外)前面,结构为:Do + 主语 + 实义(行为)动词原形 + 其它?简略答语为:Yes,主语(代词形式)+do.或

8、 No,主语(主语形式)+dont。如:Do you do your homework in the evening?Yes,I do.(No, I dont)6.“该做。 。 。 。 。 。了”用 Its time for 句型,for后跟名词。如:Its time for breakfast/lunch/supper.7.Would you like some?这个句型表示向对方提出建议、邀请等等,语气委婉,显得客气、有礼貌。这个句型中用 some不用 any,这个句型的答语常常是Yes,please.或 No,thanks.8.询问物品的价格要用 How much(多少钱) ,如:How

9、 much are your shoes? How much for one hot dog?9.Ill take 表示“我将/要买。 。 。 ”take可用buy/get/have代替。如:Ill take /get/have/buy six.10.可数名词与不可数名词(1)可数名词有复数形式。如:apples erasers fingers不可数名词没有复数形式。如:bread, fish, food, rice,soup(2) 可数名词之前的修饰语可以是:a pear, two pears, some apples不可数名词之前的修饰语可以是:some rice, a bowl of r

10、ice, two cups of tea(3)可数名词的复数形式一般情况下是在名词的后面加 s,但也有例外,如 footfeet strawberrystrawberries peachpeachesfishfish 或 fishes5-6单元重点语句回顾1询问对方的年龄时用句型 How old are you ? 答语为:I am + 数词(+years old )如:How old are you ? I am thirteen .( years old)2.生日祝贺用语为:Happy birthday ( to you)!答语为:Thank you.或 Thanks 之类的感谢用语。3询

11、问某人正在做某事时,要用句型 What + be + doing ? 答语用:主语+be +doing +其它。用现在进行时态,表示说话时动作正在进行。如:What are they doing now? They are talking.4.询问某物的地点或位置时用 Where提问,句型结构为 Where + be + 主语? Where 所提问的常常是由above/below/beside/in/on等构成的介词短语。如:Where is the picture? Its above the bed.5.“该做某事了”常用 Its time for + 名词。或Its time +to+

12、动词原形(+其它) 。这两种说法常常简说为 Time for + 名词。或 Time +to +动词原形(+其它) 。如 Its time for supper.= Time for supper.= Its time to have supper.= Time to have supper.6.晚间问候用语为 Good evening. 但晚间告别用语为Good night.7.询问交通方式要用 How,句型结构为 How do / does + 主语+动词原形+其它?答语中要有 by +交通工具名词,或 in/on+限定词+交通工具名词。8表示一个地方离另一个地方远要用 be far fr

13、om .9.为别人引路时常说 This way,please.或 Follow me .对方回答 Thanks或 Thank you .Follow me 是一句较为常用的口语,它的意义极广,表示“跟我走/学/唱/说/做。 。 。 。应根据不同的语言环境来确定它的具体意义。10询问某人要去某地常用 Where are you going ? 答语为 Im /We are going to +地点。11服务行业的服务人员常用的服务用语是 Can /May I help you? 这句口语在不同的行业、不同的地点意义有所不同,在商店表示:你想买点什么?在饭店表示:你想吃点什么?在书店则意为:你想买

14、什么书?等。如需帮忙则答:Yes,please.然后再说出你具体需要什么。如不需帮忙则说:No,thanks.如果请别人帮忙时,则用 Can you help me?12.数字加法常用 plus/andequals/is句型。如:Twenty plus/and thirty equals/is fifty.13.向对方提出建议做某事时,常用 Lets + 动词原形+其它。答语常用 OK, lets 或 Sorry 等。如:Lets go to the farm to see the animals.- OK,lets go.14.为问路的人指路时,常常用 Go/Walk down this s

15、treet and turn left/right.等,问路的人要表示感谢。15.问某物多少钱用 How much is /are? 用 is或are要根据主语的单复数而变化16询问某人住/生活在哪里的说法是:Where do/does +主语+live?17语法现在进行时定义:表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。如:The students are listening to the teacher. 学生们正在听老师讲课。现在进行时也可以表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。如: We are working on a farm these days. 这些天我们在农场劳动。

16、结构:人称主语放句首,am , is ,are 紧随后,现在分词跟着走,不写句号不停留。变否定(句) ,加 not,化疑问(句) ,be 前行,如果你要问动作,whatdoing 要记清。如:Im writing.(肯定句) Im not talking.(否定句) Are you eating?(一般疑问句) Yes, I am. What is she doing?(特殊疑问句) She is working.特点:现在进行时的句子里常有副词 now或句前有Look! Listen!等祈使句;译成汉语时,常有“正在, ”等词。如:What is Tom doing now? 汤坶现在在干什

17、么? Look! He is playing football.看!他正在踢足球。Listen! Someone is singing in the next room.听!有人正在隔壁房子里唱歌一般现在时动词的第三人称单数形式1动词的第三人称单数指主语(名词或代词)是第三人称单数时,句子的谓语动词需要加 s/es(肯定句)。如:My father works in a shop.Danny lives in Canada.但 have的第三人称单数形式是 has,而不是 haves.2.主语是第三人称单数形式,句子变为疑问句或否定句时,要借助于助动词 do的第三人称单数形式 does; 一般

18、疑问句是句首加does; 否定句是在动词前面加 doesnt,但要注意由于助动词用了 does,谓语动词要用原形。如:His aunt lives in Hebei.Does his aunt live in Hebei?(疑问句)She lives in Beijing. She doesnt live in Beijing.含有动词 do 的句子在变化时,一定别把 do 丢了!例如:Li Ping does his homework in the evening. 否定句为:Li Ping doesnt do his homework in the evening. 那么,疑问句怎么说呢?

19、对了,应是:Does Li Ping do his homework in the evening?改错。1.Li Mings father work in a grocery store.2.My brother haves lunch in his factory every day.3.She dont go to school by bus.4.Do the cat like fish?5.Does a bird lives in the tree?7-8单元重点语句回顾1询问“几月几日”用 Whats the date? 询问“星期几”用 What day is it today?

20、如:Whats the date today? Its October 19.What day is it today? Its Wednesday.2.询问“天气怎么样?”用 How is the weather?或Whats the weather like today? 表示天气的词常是由名词变化而来的形容词,其规律是在相对应的名词后加 y,注意有的要双写 N. adj.Sun sunnyRain rainySnow snowyWind windyCloud cloudy3.“年月日星期”如何表示:What day is it tomorrow? Its Tuesday,October1

21、2.4.基数词变序数词顺口留:基变序,有规律,一般词尾 th; (sixsixth, sevenseventh)一二三,特殊记,结尾字母 tdd; (one-first,two-second,three-third)八去 t, 九去 e, ve要用 f来代替;eight-eighth,nine-ninth,five-fifth, twelve-twelfth) ty将 y改为 i,切记 th前还有 e; (twenty-twentieth,sixty-sixtieth) 几十(百)几也好记,只将个位改为序。 (thirty-one-thirty-first, one hundred and f

22、ortyfour-one hundred and forty-fourth )5.看法不同:look,see,watch,read.Look是有意的,强调“看”的动作。单独使用时,用来引起对方的注意;如 果跟宾语,要和 at 连用。如 Look!She is singing. Look at the blackboard,please.See常强调“看”的结果,意为“看见、看到”如;How many birds can you see in the tree?Watch强调“专注地观看”有欣赏的意味,常用于看电视、看球赛等。如: Do you watch TV at night?Read指“看

23、”时实指“阅读” ,常用于看书、看报等。如: I like reading at home.6.时间介词巧记歌。In,on ,at年、月、季前需用in,(in 2008,in September, in spring)遇到日期改用 on, (on January 1, on Sunday)上下午、晚上仍用 in,(in the morning/afternoon/evening)若是某日上下午,只有用 on才能行。 (on the evening of TeachersDay)中午、夜晚用 at, (at noon, at night)小时、分钟也适合。 (at two, at five tw

24、enty)多说勤练牢牢记,学好英语很容易。7 “许多”不同。Many, much, a lot ofmany与可数名词的复数形式连用。如:Tom doesnt have many books.Are there many people in the room?Much 是针对数量和程度而言,只能修饰不可数名词。如:He doesnt know much English. Is there much milk in the bottle?A lot of 是口语和书面语中最常用的用语,它既可以修饰可数名词(相当于 many),也可以修饰不可数名词(相当于 much),还可写成 lots of,

25、如:I have a lot of (=many) good books. There is a lot of (=much) bread on the table. He has lots of (=a lot of ) friends.Many和 much 经常用于疑问句和否定句中,a lot of 则常用在肯定句中。8 “说”法不同 speak,talk,say,tellspeak常用作不及物动词(后面不接名词或代词) ,强调“说”这个动作;作及物动词使用时,常以某种语言为宾语。如: The baby cant speak now. Do you speak English?Talk 一

26、般用作不及物动词,着重指“交谈,谈论” ,常与 with,about,to等介词连用。如:His parents are talking with his English teacher. The students are talking about the film.Say着重说的内容,一般用作及物动词。如:Please say it in English . Lets go and say hello to him. He says, “I am from China.”Tell指“告述、讲述” ,常用作及物动词。如:She is telling the children a story.

27、她正给孩子们讲故事。可以用下面的口诀来区别它们:tell“谈” ,say“内容”,speak“语言”可以用。告诉”别人某件事, 使用 tell记心中.9.同音词、反义词及对应词汇总。(1)同音词及字母:Bbee Csee Ieye Ooh Rare Ttea Uyou Ywhy fourfor pearpair knowno meatmeet two too (2)反义词及对应词:day-night open-close boy-girl up-down he-she his-her this-that these-those here-there white-black old-new bi

28、g-small yes-no mum-dad happy-sad hot-cold warm-cool right-left big-small long-short tall-short in-out man-woman waiter-waitress good-bad old-young above-below far-near laugh-cry mother-father grandmother-grandfather brother-sister why-because north-south east-west1、go on a trip to 去某地旅行I will go on

29、a trip to Beijing.2、the capital (city) of our country 我们的首都Beijing is the capital city of our country.3、too + 形容词或副词 + to do sth太而不能My sister is too young to go to school.My sister is so young that she cant go to school.4、be busy with/at sth be busy doing sth 忙于干某事 I am busy with my homework. I am b

30、usy doing my homework5、 far from 远离某地 (表距离的词) + away from It is + 表距离的词 + from to 举例: Beijing is far from Shijiazhuang. Beijing is two hundred kilometers away from Shijiazhuang. It is two hundred kilometers from Beijing to Shijiazhuang.6、shop n. 商店: go to the shopv. 购物:go shopping / do some shopping

31、7、work hard in/at 努力学习(工作)He works hard in English8、invite sb to do sth 邀请某人干某事Danny invited Li Ming to come to Canadainvite sb to 邀请某人去某地Kim invited me to Canada9、want to do sth 想要干某事He want to buy a book. want sb to do sth 想要某人干某事(同 would like)My mother wants me to work hard every day. 10、talk to/

32、with sb 和某人交谈、和某人谈话talk about sth 谈论某事 11、call 喊、打电话 call sb (on the telephone) 给某人打电话12、leave for 动身去某地 Danny will leave for Beijing13、stay with sb 和某人住在一起14、交通方式: by bus/bike/car/train/plane/sea /motor bike/boat/taxi on a bus/bike/train/plane/boat take a bus/bike/car/train/plane/boat/taxi 其它:in a

33、car/ boat/taxi ; on foot ; ride a bike15、May I ? May I go shopping?肯定回答:Yes, please /Yes, of course /Sure否定回答:No, you may not /No, you can t 16、plan n. 计划 make a plan for sth 为某事制定计划I am making a plan for the summer holidayv. 计划 plan (for) sth 为某事做计划 plan to do sth 计划干某事I plan to go on a picnic17,ne

34、ed to do sth 需要去作某事 He needs to go out for a walk18、tell sb about/of sth 告诉某人关于某事He told me about this news19、go back to 回到某地 Li Ming will go back home on July 11thLi Ming will go back to Shijiazhuang20、pack A with B 把 B 打包放进 A 中 例如:Xiaomei is packing her bag with her books .21、write to sb / write s

35、b a letter / write a letter to sb 给某人写信I will write a letter to my mother. I will write to my mother. I will write my mother a letter22、a suit of clothes 一套衣服a pair of shoes 一双鞋子 two pairs of glasses 两副眼镜 注意:pair 短语在句中如果作主语,应根据 pair的单复数决定谓语动词的单复数24、Have a good trip -Thank you 旅途愉快第二单元知识点归纳1、argue wi

36、th sb about sth 因某事和某人争论 2、get on 上车 get off 下车 3、be ready for sth 为某事做准备I am ready for the exam.4、a ticket to Canada 去加拿大的票5、in + 某种语言 用某种语言 Whats this in English?speak+某种语言说某种语言He speaks English.6、pardon me 对不起、请重复一遍=Excuse me7、have to(客观的必须)=must(主观上的必须) 必须、不得不、一定得I have to work hard.8、look out o

37、f 从向外看 look out of the window9、here and there 到处、四处 10、point to 指向 point at 指着 point out 指出11、at the top of 在的顶端 at the bottom of 在的底部12、try to do sth 努力、设法干某事13、be from spl = come from spl 来自某地 16、places of interest /the interesting place 名胜古迹 17、enjoy doing sth 喜欢干某事Danny enjoy eating donuts .18、h

38、ope to do sth 希望干某事 I hope to go out hope宾语从句 希望My father hopes that he will have a nice trip.19、Its time for sth. Its time for schoolIts time to do sth Its time to go to schoolIts time for sb to do sth Its time for me to go to bed该干某事的时候了20、wait for sb/sth 等待某人、某物 21、find out 查出、查明 find sb doing st

39、h 发现某人正在干某事22、feel形容词 / be +形容词:感觉怎么样 How do you feel? I feel happy.23、a bowl of /a bottle of /a glass of /a cup of / a can of 一碗 / 一瓶 / 一杯 / 一听24、be quiet 安静 keep quiet 保持安静 25、play with sb 和某人一起玩 play with sth 玩弄某物 如:Dont play with fire ! 不要玩火!play +球类名词(不要 the) play+the +乐器名词(必须要 the)26、watch TV

40、/ a football match / a movie see a flim read the book / the newspaper 27、show sb sth=show sth to sb 给某人看某物28、take care of = look after 照看、照料、照顾29、look for 寻找(强调过程)find 找到(强调结果)第三单元知识点归纳1、let sb do sth 让某人干某事 Let me help you.2、I speak good English = I speak English well 我英语讲得好.3、translate for sb 为某人翻

41、译4、laugh at sb 嘲笑某人 Dont laugh at others.fly a kite / fly kites 放风筝 5、have fun 玩得高兴 have fun (in) doing sth 干某事玩得很开心I have fun playing soccer.6、make fun 开玩笑 7、hurt ones +身体部位 :hurt my nose / hurt my arm . 8、Dont be afraid . 不要害怕 Dont worry . 不要担心9、be careful / look out/take care 小心、当心 10、worry about

42、 sth /sb Dont worry about me.sb be worried about sth /sb My mother is worried about my study.担心某物 / 某人 11、put on 把放在 上 put in 把放进里12、take ones picture 给某人照相 take a picture /take pictures/photos 照相13、用 with + 具体工具 如:She write a letter to her friends with pen .by 通过某种方式 如:She sends messages to her fri

43、ends by postcard 14、fall off 从 上掉下来 He fell off his surfboard15、help sb do sth help sb with sth 帮助某人干某事Jenny helps me learn English. Jenny helps me with English16、at the post office 在邮局17、break his tail 折断了他的尾巴 Danny broke his tail yesterday18、at the traffic lights 在交通灯的地方19、There be + sb +动词 ing 形式

44、地点(介词短语) 某处有某人正在干某事There is a girl dancing in the room. 20、on the left 在左边 on the right 在右边 21、on the postcard 在明信片上23、go straight down 沿着直走 24、in an hour 一个小时以后 I will come back in an hour25、write sb a letter / write a letter to sb / write to sb给某人写信 26、a pair of chopsticks 一双筷子27、send sb sth /send

45、 sth to sb 给某人寄(送)某物He sent me a postcard. He sent a postcard to me28、buy sb sth / buy sth for sb 给某人买某物I buy my mother a gift.= I buy a gift for my mother.29、be late for sth 干某事迟到 He is late for work.30、turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转 31、begin/start to do sth begin/start doing sth 开始干某事 32、a gift for

46、sb 给某人的礼物33、a kind of 一种 all kinds of 各种各样的34、A man who has not climbed the Great Wall is a true man . 不到长城非好汉35、see sb doing sth 看见某人正在干某事(动作正在进行)I saw many people flying kites on the squaresee sb do sth 看见某人干了某事(动作发生的过程)36、许多 many +可数名词 many books much+不可数名词 much meat a lot of/ lots of + 可数或不可数名词3

47、7、一些 a little +不可数名词 a few +可数名词 some/any + 可数或不可数名词(注意:some 用于肯定句 any 用于否定句和疑问句)38、put on 穿上、戴上(穿的动作) wear 穿着、戴着(穿的状态) 39、turn on 打开 turn up 调大turn off 关闭 turn down 调小40、停止干某事 stop to do sth 停下来去做另外一件事I stop to have a reststop doing sth 停止正在干的事I stop talking41、在的前面 in front of 在(室外)没有局限空间的地方的前面There is a tree in front of the classroomin the front of 在(室内)有限空间的地方的前面There is a TV in the front of the class


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