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1、什么样的发音才是好的发音Word pronunciation单词发音Nearly native-like 纯正而自然,接近英美人士标准发音Level A特优(96-99) Flow of speech语流发音Nearly native-like纯正而自然,接近英美人士标准腔调So natural that even a native speaker may wonder if you were born and brought up in his/her country 纯正得可以乱真;若只闻其声不见其人,被当成英美人士的可能性不是没有Word pronunciation单词发音Free of

2、 accent, but too standard to sound native-like非常标准,但过于标准而略欠自然Level A-优(90-95) Flow of speech语流发音Fluent, rhythmic and well toned, though not as natural as a native speaker话语流畅,节奏感和语调的把握也都不错,但似乎不够自然Excellent on the whole and good enough for teaching of English pronunciation总体非常好,可胜任英语发音的教学Word pronunc

3、iation单词发音Free of incorrectly pronounced phonemes, mixed with slight accents and occasionally with words not well stressed, but totally intelligible无错误发音,但轻微夹杂不影响理解的口音和重音读错的单词Level B良(80-89)Flow of speech语流发音Acceptable in fluency, rhythm and intonation 流利程度、节奏感、语调等方面尚可,几乎不影响理解Good on the whole and c

4、ompletely intelligible总体不错,清晰且易于理解Word pronunciation单词发音With strong accents and some incorrectly pronounced phonemes as well as many wrongly stressed words, but nearly all guessable 口音重,有若干错误发音,不少单词重音读错,但理解无大碍Level B-中(70-79)Flow of speech语流发音Nearly acceptable in fluency, poor in rhythm and intonati

5、on 流利程度尚可,但节奏感、语调等方面较差Acceptable and intelligible on the whole总体尚可,存在的问题基本不影响理解Word pronunciation单词发音With very strong accents and many incorrectly pronounced phonemes as well as poorly read words, 1/4 of which unguessable 口音非常重,有相当多的错误发音和读错的单词,读错的部分有四分之一让听者不知所云Level C及格(60-69)Flow of speech语流发音Poor in fluency, rhythm and intonation 流利程度、节奏感、语调等方面都很差Basically intelligible in communication if the listener is patient and attentive enough若耐心专注地听,勉强可听出大意


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