精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上超全整理外企常用英文,收藏起来慢慢背!邮件中1. BTW: by the way 顺便问下,顺便提下2. FYI: for your information 供参考3. FYR: for your reference 供参考4. EOD: end of the day 下班前,比如说EOD Thursday,就是周四下班前5. ASAP: as soon as possible 尽快6. TBD, TBC: to be determined/decided/confirmed 待定,比如会议室TBD,就是说会议室还待定的意思7. OT: overtime 加班8. P.S: postscript 补充说明9. RSVP: 法语Rpondez sil vous plait, 希望得到回复的时候加上10. CC: carbon copy 抄送11. FW: forward 转发12. Re: reply 回复13. N/A: not appl