精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1. 对任何希望全面发展的学生来说,参加各种各样的课外活动是很重要的。(教育话题;难度:)1. It is extremely important and inevitable to engage in various extra-curricular activities for any student who desires to be well-rounded and versatile.2. 古埃及文明和金字塔对我非常有吸引力。(历史话题;难度:)2. Ancient Egypt culture and pyramids are greatly interesting and fascinating to me.3. 体育锻炼能够帮助一个感到学习或生活压力繁重的人很好的放松。(生活话题;难度:)3. Getting exercise can help the person who is particularly stressed about school or life to relax