西餐宴会摆台(模版)简介第一篇:西餐宴会摆台(模版)三、西餐宴会摆台 题型一 中译英 1、先生,这是甜品单,服务员一会儿过来为您点餐。(Here is the dessert menu, sir. The waiter will be here to take your order.) 2、您要不要试试我们的自助餐呢?(Would you like to try our buffet dinner?) 3、主菜吃什么?(What would you like for your main course?) 4、主菜配什么吃?(What would you like to go with your main course?) 5、今天的特色菜是烤羊腿。( Todays special is the roast leg of lamb.) 6、您点的鸡蛋是不是只煎一面,蛋黄朝上?(Would you like your fried eggs sunny-side up?) 7、您的牛排配什么汁呢?(Which sauce would you like for your stea