环境工程专业英语 Professional English for environmental engineering 遵守上课纪律,不要迟到、早退 授课方式:朗读专业单词、翻译、以小组形式讨论制作PPT ,上台讲解(占15)的成绩) 考试方式:开卷,90 min 考试内容:书本上、课外降解的单词;句子的中英文翻译 成绩评定:平时成绩30%;考试成绩70% 相互沟通PART 1 INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGUnit 1 Text: Environmental Engineering 环境工程 The objective of this book is to introduce engineering and science students to the interdisciplinary study of environmental problems: their causes, why they are of concern, and how we can control them 本书的目的是使工科和理科学生对环境问题的跨学科