精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上中国园林中的拓扑现象摘 要:我国传统造园艺术具有迷人的魅力,有许多值得传承的精华,可供现代园林借鉴。本文从拓扑几何学角度来省视园林空间,分析了其中的拓扑不变性与拓扑演变方式;探讨了其所形成的美学特征及应把握的适当尺度。 关键字:园林艺术;拓扑现象;特质异化;尺度把握Abstract: The traditional garden art in our country has charming charms ,and has many creams worth to be inherited,from which the modern gardens can draw lessons.This article inspects gardens space from the tangle of topology geometry,analyzing topology invariance and the ways of topology evolution among them; and it discusses the aest