话题 1 个 人 情 况 Personal information 1. 你是哪里人? Where are you from? Where do you come from? 2. 你在大学读的是什么专业? What did you major in at college? 3. 能告诉我你的手机号吗? Could you tell me your phone number ? 4. 你有哪些爱好? What are your hobbies ? 5. 你喜欢网上聊天吗? Do you like chatting on line ? Are you fond of chatting on line? Are you keen on chatting on line?Family, friends and people around 话题 2 家庭、朋友与周围的人1. 你的家庭很大吗? Is your family very big ? 2. 你父母都退休了吗? Have both your parents retired ? 3. 你爸爸有几个兄弟? How many brothers