1. 超导体的发展历史 动力与电气工程系 王 雷1.1 超导体的发现物质的态 1.1 超导现象的发现最难液化的物质?He的液化 Onnes, 1911 1.1 超导现象的发现最接近绝对零度的物质 1.1 超导现象的发现金属的电阻理论预测 What would happen to the resistance of a metal as it was cooled to absolute zero? Three popular theories at the turn of the 20 th century. But which one would agree with experiment? 1.1 超导现象的发现电阻消失了! The measured resistance of gold doesnt superconduct, but mercury does. 1.1 超导现象的发现 R10 -6 R=0 ?零电阻的实验观测!超导领域的第一个诺贝尔物理学奖 1.1 超导现象的发现 Nobel Prize in Physics (1913)超导领域的诺贝尔奖们 The Nobel