精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1. 键盘/keyboard键盘是一组杠杆或音键,由演奏者用手指在钢琴,羽管键琴,翼琴或类似的键盘乐器上按压,或者用手指按压风琴的键盘,或用脚踩管风琴的踏板或脚键盘。这个词汇广泛应用于键盘乐,以及各种键盘乐器。A keyboard is a set of levers or keys, to be depressed by the fingers of a player on the piano, harpsichord, clavichord or similar keyboard instrument, or on the manual by the fingers, or on the pedals or pedal-board of the organ with the feet. The word is used generally, as in keyboard music, music for any keyboard instrument. 2. 白键组/White key pattern在现代键盘乐器中