初三英语在线课程 上课老师:蔡老师 上课时间:18:45-19:45 初三英语寒假课程 第二讲:作文写作精讲作文写作的字、词、句、段、篇 字:工整、清楚; 词:不拼写错误;能适当掌握高级词汇; 句:不出现语法错误;句子要逐渐使用复 杂的从句句型,为文章添彩; 段:段落内容有逻辑性; 篇:合理安排文章布局;要有逻辑与联接 ;绝对好用的替换词 Good wonderful, excellent, gorgeous, fabulous, amazing, magnificent; Important significant, essential, necessary, carry a lot of weight; ButHowever, Sotherefore, hence, Primarily, Firstly, one of the most essential reasons, to stress first Secondly, above from the first point, In addition Thirdly, Last but no least, In conclusi