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1、知金教育() 网络统考辅导专家 咨询服务热线:400-818-00112009 年 9 月大学英语 B(统考)复习备考讲座一、交际用语(该部分共有 5 个小题,每题 3 分,合计 15 分,占总分值的 15%)1 Thanks, you saved my life! _AOh, Im afraid I didnt do well enough. BIm glad I could help.CNo problem. DIts not necessary for you to say so.2 I must apologize to you for the delay. _AThats all r

2、ight. BNo trouble at all. CAll the best. DYou are welcome.3 You speak very good English. _AJust so so. BNo, not good. CThank you very much. DYou are good.4 Have a nice holiday! Yes. _A The same to you. BYou do too. Csame as you. DYou have it too.5 I think he is a good lecturer. _ASorry, it doesnt ma

3、tter. BSo do I. CYes. Its a good idea. DI dont mind.二、阅读理解(该部分共有 10 个小题,每题 3 分,合计 30 分,占总分值的 30%)Passage 1In the water around New York City is a very small island called Liberty Island. On Liberty Island there is a very special statue called the Statue of Liberty. It is one of the most famous sights

4、 in the world.The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States. The statue was made by a French sculptor named Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. The inner support system was designed by Gustave Eiffel, the same man who made the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris. Lib

5、erty, of course, means freedom, and the Statue of Liberty was given to the United States to celebrate the onehundredth anniversary of U. S. independence from England. The statue was built in France, taken apart piece by piece, and then rebuilt in the United States. It was opened for the public on Oc

6、tober 28, 1886. As you might expect, the statue is very big. Visitors can ride an elevator from the ground to the bottom of the statue. If they want to, they can then walk up the 168 steps to reach the head of the statue where they can look out and enjoy the beautiful sight of the city of New York.6

7、A good title for this selection is AFamous Sights in the World BLiberty IslandCThe Statue of Liberty DA Gift from France7The word “sights ” in the first paragraph means Aa small present or gift Ba kind of postcardCthe power of seeing Dsomething that you can see 知金教育内部教材 请注意保密8The statue was build in

8、 AFrance BThe United States CEngland DLiberty Island 9We may conclude that the elevator does notAgo fast enough Bcost a lot of money Cgo to the top Dboth A and B10The man who made the part of the statue that we can see on the outside wasAan unknown architect BBartholdi CEiffel Dboth B and CPassage 2

9、All over the world people enjoy sports Sports help to keep people healthy, happy and help them to live longerSports change with the season People play different games in winter and summerGames and sports often grow out of peoples work and everyday activities The Arabs use horses or camels in much of

10、 their everyday life; they use them in their sports, tooSome sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them Football, for example, has spread around the world Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many riversSome sports or games go back to thousands of y

11、ears, like running or jumping Chinese boxing, for example, has a very long history But basketball and volleyball are rather new Neither one is a hundred years old yet People are inventing new sports or games all the timePeople from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but af

12、ter a game they often become good friends Sports help to train a persons character(性格) One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace(体面)11According to this passage we know that _Apeople began to play about one hundred years agoBabout 100 years ago people ran or

13、 jumped when they playedCbasketball has a longer history than volleyballDnot all the games have a long history12The writer didnt tell us in this passage that _Abasketball was invented in AmericaBsports change with the seasonCgames and sports often grow out of peoples work and everyday activitiesDfoo

14、tball is played all over the world 13People all over the world enjoy sports because _ Asports are interestingBsports help to keep people healthy , happy and to live longerCsports help to train ones characterDall of the above14From this passage we can see that_Asports and games are unimportant things

15、 that people doBsports and games should be treated(对待)only as amusement(娱乐活动)Csports and games are only useful to the oldDaccording to the author sports and games are significant to our life in many respects15Whats the writers attitude of the sports?Apositive Bnegative Cneutral DWe have no idea.知金教育

16、内部教材 请注意保密三、词汇与结构(该部分共有 5 个小题,每题 3 分,合计 15 分,占总分值的 15%)16I fell and hurt myself while I _ basketball yesterday.Awas playing Bam playing Cplay Dplayed17I earn 10 dollars _ hour as _ supermarket cashier on Saturdays.Aa an Bthe a Can a Dan the18He has been writing for 3 years, but being a writer is not

17、 his _.Achance Bchoice Cchange Dcharacter19Nancy is considered to be _ the other students in her class.Aless intelligent Bthe most intelligent Cintelligent as well Das intelligent as20It is because he is kind and modest _ he wins the respect of all presents.Awhat Bwhich Cwhy Dthat四、完形填空(该部分共有 10 个小题

18、,每题 1 分,合计 10 分,占总分值的 10%)Nowadays most people decide quite early what kind of work they would do. When I was at school, we had to choose 21 when we were fifteen. I chose scientific subjects. “22 , scientists will earn a lot of money,” my parents said. for three years I tried to learn physics and ch

19、emistry, but in the 23 I decided that I would never be a scientist. It was a long time 24 I told my parents that I wasnt happy at school. so my father said, “Well, the best thing to do now is to look for a job.”I 25 about it with my friends Frank and Lesley. 26 of them could suggest anything, but th

20、ey promised that they would ask their friends. A few days later 27 I was still in bed, someone telephoned. “Is that Miss Jenkins?” a mans voice asked. “I know your hobby is photography and Ive got a job that might interest you in my clothes factory. My name is Mr. Thomson.” He seemed pleasant on the

21、 phone so I went to see him. I was so excited that I almost forgot 28 goodbye. “Good luck!” my mother said to me.I arrived a bit early and when Mr. Thomson came he asked me if I 29 waiting a long time. “No, not long.” I replied. After talking to me for about twenty minutes he offered me a job not as

22、 a photographer ,though, 30 a model!21Awhat should study Bwhat he studied Cwhat to study Dwhat studied22Afor the future Bin the future Cfor future Din future23Aclose Blast Cend Dfinal24Abefore Bas Cwhen Dwhile25Atold Basked Ctalked Dsaid26ABoth BNeither CNor DNot all27Asince Bwhereas Cwhile Dbefore2

23、8Asaying Bto say Cspeaking Dto speak29Ahad been Bwould be Cwas Dmight be30Abeing Bas Cto be Dbut五、英译汉(该部分共有 3 个小题,每题 5 分,合计 15 分,占总分值的 15%)31He often went from town to town giving lectures.32I slept soundly all night.知金教育内部教材 请注意保密33He was satisfied with his new car, and drove to work in it the very next day.六、作文(该部分有 1 个小题,合计 15 分,占总分值的 15%)34My Plan for the National Day Holiday


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