Mexico MexicoMexico, which is located in the north America with Pacific Ocean to the west, Guatemala and Belize to the southeast, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea to the east, and America to the north. There are 1.12 million populations.National flagNational emblemThe National flower cactus 墨西哥是仙人掌的故乡,在仙人掌的2000多个品种中,墨 西哥有一半以上,因此享有仙人掌王国的美誉。 National bird Tercel 雄鹰。墨西哥人将“雄鹰”视为祖国的象征,墨西哥的国徽图案 为一只嘴里叼着蛇的雄鹰伫立在仙人掌上,它的国旗中间有一雄 鹰,它的硬币上也是雄鹰的标志。National stone 黑曜石,(Obsidian)是一种常见的黑色中低档宝石, 又名天然琉璃,是一种自然产生的琉