英语金句盘点:美国总统就职演讲中流传甚广十句名言 英语金句盘点:美国总统就职演讲中流传甚广的十句名言 美国当地时间 1 月 20 日,拜登正式宣誓就任美国第 46 任总统。在就职演讲中,拜登呼吁国家团结,并承诺成为所有美国人的总统。美国历任总统的就职演讲不乏经久不衰的名句,一起来回顾一下 10. Joe Bidens inaugural address - 2021 2021 年乔拜登就职演讲 History, faith and reason show the way, the way of unity. We can see each other not as adversaries but as neighbors. We can treat each other with dignity and respect, we can join forces, stop the shouting and lower the temperature. For without unity, there is no peace, only bitterne