淹溺的急救和护理概述 01 淹漏(drowning)又称溺水,是人 淹没于水中,水充满呼吸道和肺 泡引起窒息;吸收到血液循环的 水引起血液渗透压改变、电解质 紊乱和组织损害最后造成呼吸停 止和心脏停搏而死亡。淹漏后窒 息合并心脏停搏者称为溺死 (drowning)如心脏未停搏则称近 乎溺死(near drowning)。不恕 入化粪池、污水池和化学物贮槽 时,可弓厚酽曳皮肤和粘膜损害 及全身中毒。We have many PowerPoint templates that has been specifically designed to help anyone that is stepping into the world of PowerPoint for the very first time. We have many PowerPoint templates that has been specifically designed to help anyone that is stepping into the world of PowerPoint for the very