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1、1SAT 语法定义讲解与实例解析一、主谓一致1. 就前原则(1) N1 of N2 verb(SAT 考试中动词的单复数与 N1 有关,与 N2 无关)如: a group of students arethe details of the problems are例:The bright (A) fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B) critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D) New York. No error

2、 (E). (P161.1)(2) 名词 1+介词 +名词 2 如:students in the classroom名词,插入语,verb名词+doing/done 如:students studying hard例:Flints found in (A) the region extending from the Nile Valley to (B) the highlands of eastern Iraq attests to (C) the presence of people there as long ago as (D) one hundred thousand years.

3、No error (E). (P166.3)2.“欲擒故纵”法动词单复数做题基本原则是就前原则,如果句子太长、太难、太复杂时,用“欲擒故纵”法。3.动词单复数的特殊固定用法(1) a number of 一些;一般情况下其后动词用复数, (不受任何规律限制) ;the number of 的数量;其后的动词在任何情况下都用单数。量词考点:a group/list/line of 使用“就前原则”(2) 倒装结构:就后原则。如:here comes the busa. 地点状语+动词+主语b. Only 置于句首的倒装例:In the foothills of that large mounta

4、in range is (A) the sources of a river whose course (B) was not fully mapped (C) until (D) this century. No error (E). (P 776.19)2例:Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied (A) for years, but (B) only recently has (C) the harmful effects of noise pollution become (D) known. No error

5、 (E). (P167.6)4.名词集合名词:family, group, stuff, team, community,只要这些词以单数结尾,后面的谓语动词都用单数。people, cattle, police :其后的谓语动词用复数以 s 结尾的词:means, species, news以 cs 结尾的词:physics, mathematics,不表示复数,是单数。以 us 结尾的词:octopus(章鱼), platypus(鸭嘴兽), -saurus(恐龙)考点:名词的单复数作业:P410.23、24, P472.22,P602.27,P721.24、26、29 ,P839.20

6、、27,P894.16,P956.12,P776.12 ,P839.25,P957.19、28,P471.17,P534.18 。二、平行结构(1)名词,名词,and 名词例:Each time Caroline turns on her computer , she has (A) to enter a company code, then her initials, and then enters a password (B) before (C) she can begin working (D). No error (E). (P166.2)例:Of the hundreds of w

7、arm-water coral species, only a few (A) are highly prized (B) for use in jewelry because of their (C) beauty, luster, and they are hard (D). No error (E). (P533.12)(2)两者之间的平行如:not only,but alsoneither,noreither,orand/but.例:The labor union is negotiating (A) a contract with the hospital that (B) will

8、 satisfy (C) the demands of the workers and be acceptable to (D) all levels of management. No error (E). (P601.13)3(3)句子的平行考点:同类比较特点:-er, more, than, as, like, unlike, compare to/with.如: The population of China is larger than that of America.所有格和所有格之间比较时,第二个所有格是不能省略的,需要补充 that of/those of/s。作业:P601.

9、13,P777.28,P599.3,P410.21、29,P602.20、22,P659.25,P660.27 ,P720.14、18。三、形容词和副词adj. + n. / pron.adv. + v. / adj. / adv. 如:I find the book easy.I find the book easily.例:Although canoeing through (A) the rapids was exciting, it was (B) also exhausting, and we were happy for a time to have the canoe float

10、 serene (C) down (D) a smooth stretch of the river. No error (E). (P838.12)笔记:serene 平静的;serenely 平静地如:快速的发展中的国家 rapidly developing country例:The research study reveals (A) startling proof of a constant (B) changing seafloor that comprises (C) the major part of (D) the underwater landscape. No error

11、(E). (P602.29) 例:Just how (A) critical an improved balance of trade is to (B) a healthy economy has never been (C) more clearer (D) than it is now. No error (E).(P659.18)作业: P167.7,P192.14,P409.17,P660.29,P721.22,P894.13,P896.27 ,P957.23。四、逻辑主语 (1)Doing/done , SVO.如:Beaten black and blue, Kitty is c

12、rying.Beating black and blue, Kitty is crying.4例:Contrasting with (A) most other (B) fifteenth- century rulers, Portuguese Kings could count on (C) the support of the aristocracy in any (D) overseas ventures. No error (E)例:Raised in a large and noisy city, it was only when I went away to college tha

13、t I realized how delightful life in a small town could be.(P955.11)(A) it was only when I went away to college that I realized how delightful life in a small town could be(B) when I went away to college I then realized how delightful life in a small town could be(C) going away to college made me rea

14、lize how delightful life in a small town could be(D) I did not realize how delightful life in a small town could be until I went away to college(E) delightful life in a small town was unrealized by me until I went away to college例:While working as a nurse in the streets of Calcutta, that was when Mo

15、ther Teresa developed a profound love for the poor.(P892.1)(A) that was when Mother Teresa developed a profound love for the poor(B) Mother Teresa developed a profound love for the poor(C) then the development of Mother Teresas profound love for the poor took place(D) Mother Teresas profound love fo

16、r the poor developed(E) a profound love for the poor developed in Mother Teresa 例:Having thought the problem through with some care, that the committee did not understand her solution frustrated the chairperson extremely.(P599.5)(A) that the committee did not understand her solution frustrated the c

17、hairperson extremely(B) the chairpersons extremely frustration resulted from the committee not understanding her solution 5(C) the chairpersons frustration at the committees failing to understand her solution was extreme(D) the chairperson was extremely frustrated by the committees failure to unders

18、tand her solution(E) the committees failing to understand her solution was an extreme frustration to the chairpersonwhile/when/by/on/through Doing/done , SVO.例:By simply entering an Internet website or calling a toll-free number, a catalog order can be placed for almost anything from cheesecakes to

19、fully equipped desktop computers.(P616.12)(A) a catalog order can be placed (B) by placing a catalog order (C) they will place your catalog order (D) you can place a catalog order(E) your catalog order can be placed例:Indicating their desire to extend free enterprise, Canadians elected a member of th

20、e Progressive Conservative Party, Kim Campbell, as Prime Minister in 1993.(P493.13)(A) Canadians elected a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, Kim Campbell, as Prime Minister (B) Canadians election of a member of the Progressive Conservative Party as Prime Minister was Kim Campbell(C) Kim

21、Campbell of the Progressive Conservative Party was elected Prime Minister of Canada (D) the Progressive Conservative Partys Kim Campbell was elected Prime Minister of Canadians(E) a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, Kim Campbell, was elected by Canadians as Prime Minister 例:Though now on

22、e of the most famous abstract artists, critics once ridiculed 6Jackson Pollock for his technique of splattering paint on canvases.(P532.8)(A) critics once ridiculed Jackson Pollock(B) critics once were ridiculing Jackson Pollock(C) Jackson Pollock once ridiculed by critics(D) Jackson Pollock was onc

23、e ridiculed by critics(E) Jackson Pollock, having once been ridiculed by critics(2)SVO, doing/done . S 与分词SVO doing/done . O 与分词如:The boys are watching a galaxy of beauties passing by, slobbering.例:During (A) my most recent (B) trip, I came across (C) a wonderful antique store wandering (D) in the o

24、ld quarter of the city. No error (E). (P533.16)作业:P955.5 ,P190.2 ,P534.21,P846.2。五、代词代词一定要确切地指明具体对象。(1)单复数例:The starling is such a (A) pest in rural areas that it has become (B) necessary to find ways (C) of controlling the growth of their (D) population. No error (E)(P167.8)例:Contrasting with (A) m

25、ost other (B) fifteenth- century rulers, Portuguese Kings could count on (C) the support of the aristocracy in any (D) overseas ventures. No error (E)(2)主格,宾格主格:I,we,they宾格:me,us,him,her区别:做主格的一般出现在句首,做宾格的一般出现在动词、介词后。宾语:动词宾语、介词宾语。例:The report Alexander is discussing (A), a report prepared jointly by

26、 he (B) and the committee, does not take into account (C) the socioeconomic status of those interviewed (D). No error (E)(P602.21)7例:Apparently impressed with (A) our plans, the foundation awarded Carlos and I (B) a grant to establish (C) a network of community centers throughout (D) the city. No er

27、ror (E) (P602.26)例:For we (A) students, concern about impending (B) tuition hikes was even more acute than (C) apprehension about (D) final exams. No error (E) (P721.27 )(3)one,you 不能相互指代one 与 he/she 对应;ones 与 they 对应例:For people in (A) many ancient societies, work was only a means of (B) survival r

28、ather than (C) a way to improve your (D) standard of living. No error (E) (P838.19)(4)this 划线(5)which, who, whom, that考点:which 不能指代人, who, whom 不能指代物。例:Candy manufacturers applauded the discovery by (A) researchers that students which (B) smell chocolate while studying and again while taking (C) a t

29、est are able to (D) recall more material than students not exposed to the odor of chocolate. No error (E) (P894.15)例:In a world that (A) the rate of technological and social change accelerates frighteningly (B) , change itself (C) often seems to be the only constant (D). No error (E) (P957.21)Where,

30、 in which 的区别:介词 +which 的用法where作业:P410.26,P472.28,P534.20,P601.15,P602.28,P659.20,P660.28 ,P720.15,P721.20,P776.14 ,P777.23、25,P839.24、26, P957.26。六、时态(1)现在类一般现在时,现在完成时,现在进行时,现在将来时。(2)过去类一般过去时,过去完成时,过去进行时,过去将来时。8例:Jerome often referred to (A) art history textbook while he (B) was sculpting; wheneve

31、r he learned a new method in art class , he seeks out (C) the work of sculptors who had used it (D) in the past. No error (E)(P409.15) 例:Some of the workers who resent (A) the supervisors authority would probably (B) feel uncomfortable if (C) they were to acquire the independence that they demand (D

32、) . No error (E)(P839.22)(3)不规则动词的过去分词例:Although born in the Midwest, Langston Hughes lived most of his adult life in Harlem, in New York City, where (A), like (B) other writers in the 1930s, he had wrote (C) some of his finest (D) works. No error (E)(P894.12)作业:P409.15,P471.16 ,P534.24 ,P658.12,P72

33、0.13,P777.21,P838.16 ,P839.22,P894.20 。七、介词(1)基础介词的搭配(2)把介词的固定用法出得很长(3)常考的点:有能力去做be able tohave ability tobe capable of doing preoccupation with总结归纳:(1)动词划线:时态、单复数;(2)代词;(3)平行结构;(4)形容词和副词;(5)名词;(6)逻辑主语;(7)介词。9易错点:时态、固定用法、5E 选项。作业:OG 上所有的挑错题,并且分类总结。Improving Sentences1. 简洁原则because 比 because of,aware

34、 of , considering;主动被动;直接间接;动词名词。例:Anita liked to watch television, of which she found the science programs especially fascinating.(A) television, of which she found the science programs especially fascinating(B) television; she found the science programs especially fascinating(C) television, and it

35、 was especially the science programs that were of fascination(D) television; the fascination of the science programs especially(E) television, especially fascinating to her were the programs2. run on 句型SVO,SVO两个句子相连:SVO,conj SVO 或者 SVO;SVO副词和介词不能连接两个句子:SVO,adv SVO 或者 SVO,prep SVOadv:以 ly 结尾的词;词根判断法;

36、however, thus, hence, then, also, even练习: SVO, thus SVO.SVO, however SVO.SVO, but SVO.SVO, although SVO.SVO; therefore SVO.SVO; but SVO.SVO; although SVO.例:Since some (A) people are convinced that (B) dowsing, a method of finding underground water with a Y-shaped stick, is effective, but others cond

37、emn the 10procedure as (C) mere superstition (D) . No error(E)(P602.24)1, Many students work after school and on weekends, consequently they do not have much time for doing their homework.A, weekends, consequently they do not haveB, weekends, they do not haveC, weekends, as a consequence they do not

38、 haveD, weekends, therefore they do not haveE, weekends; consequently, they do not have2.Even the plays most minor characters work together with extraordinary skill, their interplay creates a moving theatrical experience.A, their interplay creates a moving theatrical experience.B, a moving theatrica

39、l experience is created by their interplay C, and their interplay creates a moving theatrical experience.D, and a moving theatrical experience being the creation of their interplay E, with their interplay they create a moving theatrical experience.3. 逻辑主语 Logic subjectdoing/done ,SVO.adj./adv. ,SVO4

40、. having,being 自杀词:在句子中充当时态的组成部分。正确:放在句首大写。例:Having been a victim of malicious rumors, Helen purposely avoided gossips.(P954. 3)(A) Having been a victim of malicious rumors(B) Her being a victim of malicious rumors(C) Her having been victimized by malicious rumors(D) Because being a victim of malicious rumors(E) Because having been a victim of malicious rumors5. 时态 tense


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