摘 要:本文探讨了如何从自然中获得创作的灵感,探询了一条建筑与自然的有机结合的理想途径,提出了自然形态的建筑创作的策略,并以重庆市自然博物馆的方案设计为例,进行了初步的思考。关键词:自然形态; 螺旋基因;博物馆Abstract:This text inquiried into how to acquire the inspiration of the artistic from the nature. Explored the ideal path that a building and natural organism join together. Put forward the strategy of the building. Finally,take the project design of the municipal nature museum as an example.Key words: nature appearance; spiral gene; museum建筑师们一直都在探询一种方法:如果说自然界是一个既有逻辑性又有天然性的有机整