摘要:随着社会不断进步,经济建设的迅速发展及建筑技术的日益提高,桩基础在城市建设中得到广泛的应用。但在业主要求工期的前提下,施工单位为赶进度却往往忽视了桩基施工质量问题。文章指出了桩基施工过程中容易忽视的问题,并作了简要分析,仅供同行参考。关键词:桩基工程;施工问题;桩基础;桩基检测Abstract:As society being progressive constantly, rapid development of economic construction and the improving day by day of building technology, a foundation is widely used in the urban construction. But under the circumstances that the owner requires the prerequisite of time limit, the unit in charge of construction often ignored one in order to