摘要:针对尼康532C全站仪技术参数及优点,通过实际工程应用,提出了全站仪在使用过程中的一些技巧,充分挖掘其功能,实现了测量内外一体化,提高了精度和效率。 关键词:全站仪;数字化;悬挂棱镜;尼康 Abstract: Based on the advantages of technical parameters of Nikon Total Station 532c, I put forward a number of techniques to fully exploit its capabilities. Nikon has achieved the measurement of internal and external integration and improved accuracy and efficiency. Key words: Total Station; digital; hanging prism; Nikon 1引 言 袁店煤矿是淮北矿业集团公司筹备的新矿井,设计能力180万吨,为了尽快建成投产,测量工作如何能够为生产一线