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1、2014 新课标高考总复习 英语( WY)2014 新课标高考总复习 英语( WY)在 夹 叙 夹议 形式的完形填空中作者首先叙述一件事然后就此事提出自己的 见 解或由此事引出一个深刻的社会主 题 。 夹 叙 夹议 型文章的思路跳 跃 性 强 ,按照一般的命 题 要求文章的首句或者是一个完整的富有哲理的句子不容忽 视 ,往往是全文的关 键 句甚至是文章的主 题 或者是一小段叙述作者下文要 对 此展开 议论 。 夹 叙 夹议 文的主 题 明确,那就是告 诉读 者一个道理。因此正确理解首句和开 头 段落以及它 们在文章中的作用是非常重要的。 夹 叙 夹议 型完形填空是 记 叙和 议论 在文中交 错

2、 运用, 这样 不但可以大大充 实 文章的内容而且能增 强 文章的说 服力,从而既易于 读 者理解又引 发读 者思考。只要抓住文章的 线 索,弄明白文章的 逻辑 关系就能确定比 较 明确的、直接的答案。2014 新课标高考总复习 英语( WY)2014 新课标高考总复习 英语( WY)Many of us learn valuable lessons from our patients.I was _1_ to learn one early in my career as a nurse.I have _2_ her name,but she has influenced the way I

3、 treat many other patients.I was working the 3 11 pm shift at a small hospital at that time.The patient was a 42yearold woman who had _3_ a heart attack.She was expected to stay in _4_ for about two weeks before being sent home.She was _5_ that she could not see her three young children.We did not _

4、6_ children into a hospital in those days.Every evening, we would _7_ our children.I had one daughter and I loved her so much that I could not _8_ not seeing her every day.The patient was getting _9_ and we both knew it wouldnt be long before she would be home _10_ her little ones again.2014 新课标高考总复

5、习 英语( WY)About a week later, she _11_ me to sit with her for a while.I held her hand and she told me she was _12_ and thought she might not see her kids again.I tried to let her know that her _13_ so far had been great.It was 10: 30 pm, almost time for the _14_ of my work.I told her I had to hand in

6、 my _15_ and that I would come back to her room.Then I _16_ with my friends.It wasnt until I had got home that I realized I had forgotten to keep my promise.“Thats OK, ” I thought, “I will spend _17_ time with her tomorrow.”The next day I was told that she had _18_ at midnight.She wanted company and

7、 I let her down.She left the world quietly.If I had stayed in her room, would she be home surrounded by her _19_ right now? I would never know.What I do know is this: I have _20_ every patients request since that night.2014 新课标高考总复习 英语( WY)1 A.fortunate B afraid C smart D brave2 A.replaced B spread

8、C Formed Dforgotten3 A.treated B suffered C checked Ddamaged4 A.town B school C room D hospital5 A.delighted B calm C upset Dhopeful6 A.need B allow C pull D force7 A.talk about B look after C play with D deal with8 A.imagine B avoid C enjoy Dpractice9 A.fatter B better C warmer D older10 A.between

9、B against C with D on2014 新课标高考总复习 英语( WY)11 A.asked B paid C permitted Dordered12 A.relaxed B scared C confident Dhonest13 A.attitude B method C Progress Didea14 A.development B period C change Dend15 A.homework B report C design Ddrawing16 A.argued B arrived C boarded Dleft17 A.extra B useful C va

10、luable Dlittle18 A.died B disappeared C escaped Dagreed19 A.kids B patients C nurses Ddoctors20 A.learned from B looked for C cared about Dmade up 2014 新课标高考总复习 英语( WY)【 语篇解读 】 这 是一篇 夹 叙 夹议 文。作 为护 士,作者从一位病人身上学到了一个道理:要在意每个病人的要求。1 A 作者在 刚 成 为护 士不久之后就学到了一个道理,她 觉 得很 “幸运 ”。2 D 作者 虽 然已 经 忘 记 了那个病人的名字,但那个病

11、人 对 她影响很大。3 B 这 里是指病人患了心 脏 病。4 D 那位病人患了心 脏 病,故得在医院待两周才能回家。5 C 住院期 间见 不到孩子,那位病人感到很 难过 。6 B 根据 she could not see her three young children.可知那个时 候孩子是不允 许进 入医院探望病人的。7 A 根据 I had one daughter可知作者也有一个女儿,故她跟那位病人常一起 谈论 孩子。2014 新课标高考总复习 英语( WY)8 A 根据 I loved her so much可知。作者无法想象一天 见 不到孩子会是什么 样 。9 B 根据 we bot

12、h knew it wouldnt be long before she would be home可知病人病情有所好 转 。10 C 那位病人挂念自己的孩子。故 这 里是指回家和孩子 们 在一起。11 A 那位病人 请 求作者和她坐一会。12 B 根据 thought she might not see her kids again.可知那位病人感到害怕。13 C 作者 试图 安慰她,因此会提到她的病情, 说进 展很好。14 D 根据 I was working the 3 11 pm shift at a small hospital.可知十点半 时 ,作者当天的工作要接近尾声了。15 B 作者是 护 士,故快下班 时 她 应该 把一天的 报 告交上去。2014 新课标高考总复习 英语( WY)16 D 根据 I had got home可知作者跟她的朋友 们 一起离开回家了。17 A 作 为补偿 ,作者 计 划第二天和病人多待些 时间 。18 A 根据 She left the world quietly的 语 境,可知那位病人那晚午夜 时 分去世了。19 A 作者想,如果她待在那位病人的房 间 的 话 ,她会不会 马上和她的孩子 们 在一起呢?20 C 这 件事 让 作者学到了重要的一 课 ,所以从那以后,她开始在意每个病人的 请 求。


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