PPT - 登录网上准备系统.ppt

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1、连续下降最后进近CDFA飞行标准司 运输处飞行标准处什么是 CDFAo CDFA技术示意图什么是 CDFAo 1、非精密进近o 2、 FAF之后持续下降o 3、 MDA/H没有平飞背景o 事故数据分析表明,航空器在实施非精密进近时的事故率是实施精密进近时发生的事故率的 7倍。o 近几年我国发生的与非精密进近有关的典型不安全事件2 25事件3 20事件8 24事故6 18事件背景o 目前非精密进近的最后进近航段设计中,传统的梯度下降是在机场净空剖面基础上设计的 ,航空器均有可能保持在最低下降高度 /高(MDA/H)飞行直至从某一点开始继续下降至跑道或达到复飞点( MAPt),在仪表气象条件下可能

2、导致在低至地面以上 75米( 250英尺)高上的延长水平飞行,并有可能导致最后进近时下降梯度过大或过小。o 飞行运行中哪个下降剖面更合理?选 还是选背景o 为提高非精密进近的安全水平,运营人应该尽早停止使用梯级下降或者 “快速下降后平飞 ”的飞行方法,取而代之的是制定标准操作程序,训练和要求飞行员使用 CDFA技术。o 各机型(即使是只具备基本导航能力的机型)均能够使用 CDFA技术。FAA o Advisory Circular o Subject: Continuous Descent Final Approach o Date: 1/20/11 o Initiated by: AFS-4

3、00 o AC No: 120-108 COMMISSION REGULATION (EU)No 965/2012of 5 October 2012o CAT.OP.MPA.115 Approach flight technique aeroplaneso (a) All approaches shall be flown as stabilised approaches unless otherwise approved by the competent authority for a particular approach to a particular runway.o (b) Non-

4、precision approacheso (1) The continuous descent final approach (CDFA) technique shall be used for all non-precision approaches.EN L 296/70 Official Journal of the European Union 25.10.2012o (2) Notwithstanding (1), another approach flight technique may be used for a particular approach/runway combi

5、nation if approved by the competent authority. In such cases, the applicable minimum runway visual range (RVR):o (i) shall be increased by 200 m for category A and B aeroplanes and by 400 m for category C and D aeroplanes; oro (ii) for aerodromes where there is a public interest to maintain current

6、operations and the CDFA technique cannot be applied, shall be established and regularly reviewed by the competent authority taking into account the operators experience, training programme and flight crew qualification.COSCAPo North Asia Cooperative Development of Operational Safety & Continuing Airworthiness Programmeo ADVISORY CIRCULARFOR AIR OPERATORSo Subject: GUIDANCE FOR OPERATORS FOR CONDUCTING CONTINUOUS DESCENT FINAL APPROACH (CDFA) FOR NON-PRECISIONAPPROACHESo Date: 2009-03-01o AC No: CNA 008A (Issue 2)


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