弹性力学及有限元 Elasticity and Finite Element Method 1 The lectures will be given both in English and Chinese 采用中英文双语讲授 1 弹性力学 第一章Give me a fish and I will eat today, Teach me to fish and I will eat for a life time. 授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。 2 弹性力学 第一章Textbook: Applied Elasticity 徐芝纶 中文教材: 弹性力学简明教程 徐芝纶 3 弹性力学 第一章Chapter 1. Introduction 第一章 绪论 4 弹性力学 第一章 1.1 Contents of Theory of Elasticity 1.1 弹性力学的内容 NAME Theory of elasticity is often called elasticity for short. It is the branch of solid mechanics. 弹性力学的理论简称为弹性理论