2007 Thomson South-Western 弹性及其应用 2007 Thomson South-Western 需求弹性 1 供给弹性 2 供给、需求和弹性的应用 3 2007 Thomson South-Western p 价格的变动会引起 需求量的变动,但需 求量对价格变动的反 应程度是不同的 P Q D P D Q 问题:两条需求曲线有什么 不同? l反应程度小 l反应程度大 弹性 2007 Thomson South-Western 弹性( Elasticity ) 弹性是衡量买者与卖者对市场条件变动 反应大小的指标 Elasticity is a measure of how much buyers and sellers respond to changes in market conditions. 2007 Thomson South-Western 弹性的类型 l需求弹性The Elasticity of Demand l 需求价格弹性 (The Price Elasticity of Demand) l 需求收入弹性 (The Income Elasti