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本文(2017人教新目标版英语七下Unit 11《How was your school trip》(Section A 2a—2d)导学案.doc)为本站会员(丁**)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2017人教新目标版英语七下Unit 11《How was your school trip》(Section A 2a—2d)导学案.doc

1、Unit 11 How was your school trip Section A 2a2d 学习目标:1.词汇:yesterday, flower, worry, luckily, sun, museum, fire, painting, exciting 2.句型:How was your school trip ? It was great ! Did you go to the zoo ? No, I didnt. I went to a farm. Did you see any cows ? Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot. Did Carol rid

2、e a horse ? No, she didnt. But she milked a cow. Were the strawberries good ? Yes, they were . No, they werent. 重、难点:1、总结归纳 Section A 部分语法重点 2、并将所学知识学以致用。3、了解过 去式的各种不同问句并会运用。 独学准备:1.试读。试读文本,用红笔划出文章中的生词。 2.再读。利用教材或工具书查看生词的读音和真正含义,再读文本。 激情激趣 导入目标 独立思考 个体探究 分享交流 合作探究 展示提升 启发探究 随堂笔记 导学引航 目的、方法、时间 独学指导 内

3、容、学法、时间 互动策略 内容、形式、时间 展示方案 内容、方式、时间 重点摘记 成果记录 规律总结 Step1: T : How were you yesteda y ? How was your last school trip ? Do you want to know somethi ng about your classma tes school trip ? Now Ask your partner :What did you do on your school trip ? Step 2: 翻译 1. 种苹果_ _2.摘草莓 _ 3. show around _ 4.农场(主)_

4、 5. 钓鱼 _ 6. 看星星_ 7. 在乡下_ 8. Lucky you._ Read the conversations in 2d and Grammar Focus. Step 3: Finish 3a. 1.Role-play the conversations in 2d. 2.根据 Grammar Focus, 归纳 Section A 部分语 法重点; Notes:_ _ _ 3. 动词过去式归类 规则动词: _并 列出规则) _ 不规则动词: _ _ _ 4.根据课文,勾画出重 点和疑惑,小组讨论解 决。 5.Ask and answer questions with you

5、r partner. 2.Role-play the conversations in 2d. 预展: 针对展示方案, 组内积 极思考,全员参与展示设 计展示方式。 方案一:角色扮演 展示 2c 对话 建议:先组内小展,各组推 选一对在全班进行大展。 方案二:有声有色 展示 2c 对话 建议:各组抢展,对于能够 脱开课本表演者,有额外加 分。 方案三:分角色表演 2d 用所给词的适当形式填 空。 1. Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month. 2.Mike_ (not go) to bed until 12 oclock last night. So

6、 he _ (get ) up late. 3. Mary _ (read) English yesterday morning. 4. There _ (be) no one here a moment ago. 5. I _ (call) Mike this morning. 6. I listened but _ (hear) nothing. 7. Tom _ (begin) to learn Chinese last year. 8. Last week we _ (pick) many apples on the farm. 当堂测评 分层达标 基础落实 选择填空 1. They

7、are talking to an _ girl. A. a eight-year-old B. an eight-year-old C. an eight-years-old D. an eight years old 2. _, I really like Animal World. A. In fact B. In the fact C. On fact D. On the fact 3. Thank you _ joining us. A. a lot of B. a lot about C. very much in D. very much for 4. My father bou

8、ght _ yesterday. A. a soap B. a cake of soap C. many soap D. many soaps 5. Mrs Hu always _ new clothes, but today she _ an old coat. A. puts on, wears B. puts on, putting on C. wears, is wearing D. wears, wears 6. I enjoy pop music. _ you? A. How about B. How are C. How do D. What do 7. The old man

9、doesnt _ others ideas. She wears colorful clothes. A. stand B. agree C. mind D. decide 8. Each of the students _ a new dictionary, and they _ new pens, too. A. has, has B. have, have C. has, have D. have, has 9. Im _ my bag, but I cant _ it. A. looking for, find B.finding, look for C. looking at, fi

10、nd D. looking for, found 10.I like articles written _ Dingling. A. on B. with C. as D. By 发展能力 二、用适当形式填空 go shopping, practice English, play chess, watch a movie, do some reading 1. I _ in the library last weekend. 2.Lets go to _! There are many new movies these days. 3.Jim _ last night, because he

11、had an English speech contest this morning. 4.Grandpa often _ with his friends in the afternoon. 5. Yesterday I _ with my mother at the mall. 【快乐链接】 一般过去时顺口溜 动词一般过去时,表示过去发生的事; be 用 was 或用 were,have,has 变 had; 谓语动词过去式,过去时间作标志; 一般动词加-ed,若是特殊得硬记。 否定句很简单,主语之后 didnt 添; 疑问句也不难,did 放在主语前; 如果谓语之前有 did,谓语动词需还原;动词若是 was,were,否定就把 not 添。

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