
图书ID:782596012022693888  |   价格:85.28元   |   作者:中国汽车技术研究中心


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This report consists of 14 special topics in 6 chapters, it elaborates China’s status quo on energy-saving and new energy vehicle development from the aspects of industrial environment, fuel consumption, product development trend, technology application, energy consumption evaluation and overseas development. Amongst the report, the industrial environment part can be divided into 3 branches such as energy situation, policy environment and market environment, they respectively narrate the overall development status for China’s energy-saving and new-energy vehicle industry. The fuel consumption part separately demonstrates fuel consumption management process for both passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The product development trend part analyzes the development features of vehicle attributes, and explores the relationship between vehicle attributes and energy consumption. The technology application part illustrates features of the energy-saving and new-energy technologies in application, meanwhile it also carries out special study on 48 V hybrid, fuel cell and other technologies which draw great attention to the automotive industry. The energy consumption evaluation part concludes the domestic passenger cars energy-saving competitiveness ranking and the fuel consumption differences analysis between real driving environment and laboratory cycles through the mathematical model analysis. The overseas development part compares the domestic and foreign policy, market, technologies in a horizontal way, it provides constructive information to the development of automotive industry.


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