1、 微课驴象之争-美国的两党执政设计方案山西电大 孔永红微课的内容取材于英语国家社会与文化入门 ,由朱永涛、王立礼主编,高等教育出版社出版。该课程是山西省电大开放教育英语专业的选修课。该课程的教学目的是帮助英语专业学生了解主要英语国家的社会与文化概貌,如地理、历史、政治、经济等方面的基本知识。微课内容取材于该教材美国部分:Unit 4 The Political System in the United States.参考书目为:边品美国文化边学英文 ,由肖冉等编著,中国水利水电出版社出版。教学思想:该微课的选材立足于教材的重点和难点,并且结合当前美国政治生活的实际,以“驴象之争”为切入点来介绍
2、美国的两党执政。在设计中遵循“内容优先,媒体恰当辅助”的原则,力争体现内容与形式的完美结合。设计思路:在微课的选材上,力争主题新颖,既能突破教材重难点,还能引起学生对当前美国政治生活的关注。在教学内容上,难易适中,注重知识的自然衔接过渡。在表现形式上努力做到丰富多样,配有大量插图及视频。在 PPT 模版的选用上,采用了美国国旗图案为背景色。课堂虚拟背景在体现课程名称和主题的基础上,突出了美国政治的核心建筑-白宫和议会。课堂语言采用英语授课,中英文字幕同时出现。教学目标:通过微课内容,使学生了解美国主要政党-民主党和共和党的由来,两党标志的由来及政治结构的特点;了解两党在政治思想、经济问题、社会
3、问题和社会立场的不同。启发学生关注美国社会生活及政治生活,提高一个英语学习者的文化和政治素养,使英语这种语言成为了解美国文化的工具。教学方法: 结合该课件的技术制作特点以及开放教育英语专业学生的实际专业水平及学习需求,主要采用“讲授法” ,方便学生对教材内容的理解和吸收。并启发学生思考当前美国政治生活的热点问题。教学策略:教学策略是教师在教学过程中,为达到一定教学目标而采取的一系列相对系统的行为。在微课的具体设计中,充分考虑到内容的完整性,技术手段的适应性,以及教学环节衔接的自然性。教学过程:一、导入课题-驴象之争。二、民主党和共和党的由来三、两党标志的由来四、两党松散的政治结构五、两党的主要
4、区别六、关注美国政治生活当前热点:2016 年大选七、开放性问题八、结束教学总结:将教学内容的总结融入到课堂的开放性问题:结合两党在政治思想、经济问题、社会问题和社会立场的不同以及学生个体对美国政治生活的了解,判断明年大选驴党和象党的获胜几率。教学背景:距离 2016 年美国总统大选虽然还有 1 年之久,但美国的民意测验从未停止对 2016 年总统选举预测的步伐,希拉里克林顿和杰布布什分别领衔民主党和共和党候选人。希拉里是前总统克林顿的夫人,杰布布什是前总统小布什的弟弟。2016 年的驴象之争是一场“皇亲”与“国戚”之间的竞争。技术特色:本课件在专业演播室,利用虚拟背景技术,全高清摄影机录制,
5、所有音频和视频均为数字录制,并辅以一定的动画效果。课堂背景画面根据微课内容和需要随意切换。结尾部分将人像置身于白宫前的草坪,即有较强的现场感,又契合了微课内容的需求。驴象之争-美国的两党执政微课制作脚本序号 内 容 解 说 词 PPT 画面 技术实现1 片头 无 山西广播电视大学 孔永红 副教授背景音乐2 进入主题 Hello, everyone ,today I will lead you into a fight between the two parties:donkey vs elephant . As you may know, it refers to American bipar
6、tisanship.出头像(近景半身) 。语言和图片同步出现。另:本微课所有内容均配合中英文双字幕。3 介绍美国两大政党First of all, lets briefly introduce the two parties.Since the 1790s, American has been run by two major parties. One is the Democratic Party,which was formed before 1800, and the symbol of which is the donkey. The other is the Republican P
7、arty, which was formed in the 1850s. The symbol of the Republican Party is the elephant.Many minor or third political parties appear from time to time. They tend to serve a means to advocate policies that eventually are adopted by the two major political parties,such as the Farmer Labor Party and th
8、e Populist Party .They had considerable local strength for a few years, and then faded away.The Green Party has been active as a third party since 2001.头像(远景)和 PPT 画面间或出现。“lets briefly introduce the two parties”后出现标题,然后出内容。4 民主党标志”驴”的由来Are you interested in the origins why donkey and elephant stand
9、for these two parties? Ok, lets enjoy the interesting facts together.The symbol of the donkey for the Democratic Party is said to stemmed from Andrew Jackson. His opposition called him a Jackass.Instead of taking it as an insult, he chose to adopt this as a symbol.不出头像。“Lets enjoy the interesting fa
10、cts togeter”后出标题,随后后出内容5 共和党标志”象”的由来For the Republican Partys symbol, political cartoonist Thomas Nast was responsible for it. In a cartoon that appeared in Harpers Weekly in 1847, Nast drew a donkey clothed in lions skin, scaring away all the animals at the zoo. One of those animals, the elephant ,
11、was labeled “The Republican Vote”. Thats all it took for the 不出头像。标题随第一句讲解出现。然后出内容。标注随讲解语言同时出elephant to become associated with the Republican Party. Therefore, we use Donkey vs Elephant for the American Bipartisanship.现,本页讲解完消失。“The Republican Vote” 处有动画。6 两个政党松散的政治结构Unlike China and some other cou
12、ntries, American political parties are relatively loosely organized.Lets see loose organization. The two major parties have no formal organization at the national level that controls activities,membership,or policy positions, though some state affiliates do. Thus, for an American to say that he or s
13、he is a member of the Democratic or Republican party, is quite different from a Britons stating that he or she is a member of the Labour party. In the U.S., one can become a “member” of a party, merely by stating that fact.In some U.S. states, a voter can register as a member of one or another party
14、 and ,or vote in the primary election for one or another party, but such participation does not restrict ones choices in any way, nor does it give a person any particular rights or obligations with respect to the party, other than possibly allowing that person to vote in that partys primary election
15、s.不出头像。“Lets see loose organization”后出现标题。随后出内容。7 两大政党的主要区别Next, lets see some major differences between the two parties. For the political idea, most Americans today consider the Republican Party the more conservative party, while the Democratic Party the more liberal one .On economic ideas, Republ
16、icans emphasize the protection of free market, and is against the governments intervention on social and personal freedom. While Democrats tend to expand the governments power ,they believe the federal government and the state government should be active in providing economic programs for those who
17、need them.On social issues,the Republican Party tends to reduce lower taxes, social welfare and public expenditure.They believe many social programs are too costly to the taxpayers .The Democratic Party claims the government should actively resolve various social problems, including increasing publi
18、c investment, taxation and social welfare. The government under the Democratic Party established many programs, including Social Security. On political support, the Republican Party places more emphasis on private enterprises,and chiefly represents the upper middle-class slantwise.Oppositely, the De
19、mocrats tend to put more emphasis on human rights, social equality. It represents the middle-class below.For the Republican Party representatives, there are Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and George Bush. Representatives for the Democratic Party are John Kennedy ,Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.不出头像。讲
20、解每个知识点时出动画效果。在讲解下一个知识点时消失。8 关注 2016美国大选Having known so much about the two parties,lets pay attention to the coming presidential election in 2016.It is scheduled for Tuesday, November 8, 2016.It will be the 58th U.S. Presidential Election.There are some possible candidates from the both parties.Lets
21、see one of them whos from the Democratic Party.Yes, thats Hillary Clinton ,the former first lady. As a Democratic Presidential Candidate ,she has a serious chance at becoming the first female president just as Obama was the first person of color in that office.Can she be the winner in the next donke
22、y vs elephant?Will she enter and host the White House ?Lets wait and see.标题随第一句同时出现,然后出内容。在”Lets see one of them whos from the Democratic Party” 后插入视频。视频后出头像(全身,远景) 。9 开放性思考题Last,lets look at two open questions.Based on what youve learned about two parties differences on political idea,economic idea
23、s,social issues ,political support,and what else youve known about the two parties and Americans politics today ,think about two questions.1.What do you think Hillarys chance is in the coming Presidential Election in 2016?2.If you were a voter, which party would you prefer?无头像。标题随首句语言同时出现,随后出内容。10 片尾 So much for today ,thank you for listening.无头像。