精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英汉翻译技巧的八项理论依据 1.改变词类 (conversion) Ignorance of law is a dangerous thing for running a business. 无视法律对做生意是一件危险的事。 The residents in the small town all welcome the execution of the killer. 小镇的居民对处死杀人犯莫不拍手称快。 2. 选词用字(diction) Before they could protest, the drivers were taken away by the soldiers. 司机还没来得急申辩,就被士兵们带走了。 He did not drop out of school despite his poverty-stricken family. 他没有因家境贫寒而辍学。 3.语序调整(inversion) He said no word to his wife