大家好! 脊 柱 Vertebral column 基础医学院人体解剖教研室 The vertebral column 脊柱 consists of 24 vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx. 一、Vertebrae 椎骨 There are 33 vertebrae in children, arranged as follows: Cervical vertebrae 颈椎 C.7 Thoracic vertebrae 胸椎 T.12 Lumbar vertebrae 腰椎 L.5 Sacral vertebrae 骶椎 S.5 sacrum 骶骨 Coccygeal vertebrae 尾椎 Co.34 coccyx 尾骨General features of vertebrae Vertebral body 椎体 Vertebral arch 椎弓 pedicle of vertebral arch 椎弓根: sup. and inf. Vertebral notch 椎上、下切迹 lamina of vertebral arch 椎弓板