精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上我的祖国诗朗诵词My country word poetry 我的祖国, 高山巍峨, 雄伟的山峰俯瞰历史的风狂雨落,My country, the towering mountains, majestic mountains overlooking the history of the wind crazy the rain falls, 暮色苍茫, 任凭风云掠过。 坚实的脊背顶住了亿万年的沧桑从容不迫。Dusk gathers around, and let the past. Solid back against the vicissitudes of the millennium leisurely. 我的祖国, 大河奔腾, 浩荡的洪流冲过历史翻卷的漩涡,My country, the river pentium, the stream of dances ran the whirlpool of rolled history, 激流勇进, 洗刷百年污浊, 惊涛骇