* 1泌尿系结核泌尿系结核北京大学第一医院泌尿外科张 骞EpidemiologyEpidemiology WHO estimates 1/3 of the worlds population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis 810 million new active cases of TB each year Globally, TB is the most common opportunistic infection in AIDS patientsIn-patient Distribution in IUPUIn-patient Distribution in IUPU1951-20041951-2004年代 住院总数 结核 19511960 2500 652 26.119611970 3576 527 14.719711980 3585 316 8.819811990 7211 280 3.919912000 11559 306 2.6总计28521 2081 7.3In-patient GU-TB in IUPUIn-p