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1、 .装订线 .泰安高新区 110kv 变电站设计 i目 录摘 要 .IAbstract .II1 绪 论 .11.1 选题背景和意义.11.2 变电站发展概述.11.3 设计原始资料.11.3.1 保护 .21.3.2 其它原始资料 .21.3.3 负荷数据 .22 变电站电气主接线设计及主变压器的选择 .32.1 主接线的设计原则和要求.32.1.1 主接线的设计原则 .32.1.2 主接线设计的基本要求 .42.2 主接线的设计.52.2.1 设计步骤 .52.2.2 初步方案设计 .52.2.3 最优方案确定 .52.3 无功补偿设计.62.3.1 无功补偿的原则与基本要求 .62.3.

2、2 补偿装置选择及容量确定 .62.4 主变压器的选择.72.4.1 主变压器台数的选择 .82.4.2 主变压器型式的选择 .82.4.3 主变压器容量的选择 .82.4.4 主变压器型号的选择 .92.5 站用变压器的选择.112.5.1 站用变压器的选择的基本原则 .112.5.2 站用变压器型号的选择 .113 短路电流计算 .113.1 短路计算的目的、规定与步骤.113.1.1 短路电流计算的目的 .113.1.2 短路计算的一般规定 .123.1.3 计算步骤 .123.2 变压器的参数计算及短路点的确定.123.2.1 变压器参数的计算 .123.2.2 短路点的确定 .133

3、.3 各短路点的短路计算.133.3.1 短路点 d-1 的短路计算(110KV 母线) .133.3.2 短路点 d-2 的短路计算(35KV 母线) .143.3.3 短路点 d-3 的短路计算(10KV 母线) .143.3.4 短路点 d-4 的短路计算 .15ii3.4 绘制短路电流计算结果表.154 电气设备选择与校验 .154.1 电气设备选择的一般规定.154.1.1 一般原则 .154.1.2 有关的几项规定 .164.2 各回路持续工作电流的计算.164.3 高压电气设备选择.184.3.1 断路器的选择与校验 .184.3.2 节隔离开关的选择及校验 .204.4 电流互

4、感器的选择及校验.224.4.1 110KV 进线电流互感器的选择及校验 .234.4.2 变压器 110KV 侧电流互感器的选择及校验 .234.4.3 35KV 出线电流互感器的选择及校验 .244.4.4 变压器 35KV 电流互感器的选择及校验 .254.4.5 10KV 出线电流互感器的选择及校验 .254.4.6 变压器 10KV 侧电流互感器的选择及校验 .264.5 电压互感器的选择.264.5.1 110KV 母线电压互感器的选择 .274.5.2 35KV 母线电压互感器的选择 .274.5.3 10KV 电压互感器的选择 .274.6 避雷器的选择及检验.274.6.1

5、110KV 母线接避雷器的选择及校验 .284.6.2 35KV 母线接避雷器的选择及校验 .284.6.3 10KV 母线接避雷器的选择及校验 .294.7 母线及电缆的选择及校验.294.7.1 110KV 母线的选择及校验 .294.7.2 35KV 母线的选择及校验 .304.7.3 10KV 母线的选择及校验 .314.7.4 10KV 电缆的选择及校验 .324.8 熔断器的选择.33参考文献 .34致谢 .35iiiContentsAbstract .1Introduction.11.1Background and significance.11.2Substation Deve

6、lopment Overview .11.3Design Sourcebook .11.3.1Protection.21.3.2Other raw materials.21.3.3Load Data.22 Choose substation Electric main wiring design and main transformer.32.1 Design principles and requirements of the main terminal .32.1.1 Design Principles main connection .32.1.2 The basic requireme

7、nts for the design of the main terminal .42.2 Main wiring design .52.2.1 Design Steps .52.2.2 Preliminary Design .52.2.3 Determine the optimal solution .52.3Reactive Power Compensation Design.62.3.1 Reactive power compensation principles and basic requirements .62.3.2 Compensation device selection a

8、nd capacity determination .62.4 Select the main transformer .72.4.1 Select the number of main transformer station.82.4.2 Transformer Type Selection .82.4.3 Main transformer capacity of choice .82.4.4 Transformer models Selection.92.5Select the station transformers .112.5.1 The basic principles of su

9、bstation transformer selection.112.5.2 Substation transformer models Selection .113Short circuit calculation .113.1 Short circuit calculation purpose, regulations and procedures .113.1.1 The purpose of the short-circuit current calculation .113.1.2 general provisions of Short circuit calculation .12

10、3.1.3 Calculating step .123.2 Parameter calculation of transformer and short-circuit points.123.2.1 Calculation of Transformer Parameters.123.2.2 The determination of short-circuit point .133.3 Calculate the short-circuit Short Point.133.3.1 Short circuit d-1 short-circuit calculations (110KV bus) .

11、133.3.2 Short circuit calculation of short-circuit point d - 2 (35 kv bus ) .143.3.3 The short circuit calculation of the short-circuit point d - 3 (10 kv bus ).143.3.4 Short-circuit point d - 4 of short circuit calculation .15iv3.4 Draw short-circuit current calculation results table .154 Electrica

12、l equipment selection and verification .154.1 General provisions selection of electrical equipment .154.1.1 General principle .154.1.2 Several provisions of the relevant.164.2 Calculate the loop continuous operating current .164.3 High-voltage electrical equipment selection.184.3.1 Breaker selection

13、 and validation.184.3.2 Disconnectors Selection and verification .204.4CT Selection and verification .224.4.1 110KV line current transformer selection and verification .234.4.2 110KV transformer side current transformer selection and verification .234.4.3 35KV current transformer outlet selection and verification .244.4.4 35KV transformer current transformer selection and verification .254.4.510KV current transformer outlet selection and verification .254.4.6 10KV transformer side current transformer selection and verification .264.5 Voltage transformer selection .


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