Everything exceptthe weather英国属海洋性气候,具有冬暖夏凉的特点, 冬夏没有很大差别,这主要是因为它是一个岛屿国家。( 冬天, 海洋比陆地温度高,海风将热量带到陆地,导致陆地温度升高,夏天则相反). 西风常常吹过英国大陆,致使常年有雨. What is the weather like in England? In spring: Mild, dry and sunny. Rainy, cloudy and warm. In summer: Dry, cloudy and cool. Rain and showers. In autumn: Dry, sunny. Fog early and late. In winter: Strong winds, heavy rain. Snow, cold. The best seasons are spring and summer. The nearer the summer, the warmer the sun shines. Its warmer. The nearer the winter, the co