退行性腰椎管狭窄症的中医药治疗策略脊柱骨科 晋大祥 n 腰椎管狭窄症 是指由于中央椎管、侧隐窝及椎间孔的直径减小而导致的一类疾病。可发生于某种疾病的发病过程中,可出现在脊柱各管孔的不同部位和节段。n 正常矢状径大于11.5mmn 小于10mm为绝对狭窄n 1013mm为相对狭窄n The spinal nerves are located in a sac filled with spinal fluid (red) and the narrow ring (black) can squeeze the nerves (yellow). If the ring is very narrow, compression of the nerves causes symptoms in the legs. The spinal nerve originates in the spinal cord and terminates in an extremity. The nerve carries electrical signals between its origin and its de