本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑教学反思与英文自我评价 自我评价 英文 教学工作需要反思与自我评价,由于可以帮自己看清自己,下面是我带来英文.,欢迎阅读! 教学反思与英文自我评价篇二教学反思与英文自我评价篇三 The ancient philosopher warned me that if we want to teach good people, we must first do a good job, as a teacher, Houdezaiwu, I always admonished his motto, peoples ability may have size, talent may be different, but I alwaysI believe that the pay will be more than return, so I love the cause of education, love every student, always pay attention to a knowledge, the q