侯卓轩 Henry雅思口语考试语简介目录1. 口语基本介绍2. 评分标准解析3. 官方口语示例视频 4. 常见问题1. 口语基本介绍时间:在笔试考试的前后,具体看报名时通知时长:约15分钟形式:一对一面谈流程:共3部分(见详述)用具:只需要带身份证与准考证进考场Part 1 Introduction & General Questions时长:4-5分钟内容:general everyday topics 与生活相关的话题hometown, study, schools, teachers, work, films, birthday, daily routine, friends, accommodation, music, sports, hobbies, newspapers, jewelry, books, celebrities 例:1. What kinds of things do you usually do in the evening?2. How often do you watch a film?3. What kind of music do you enjo