1、纳税人、扣缴义务人涉税保密信息查询申请表The Application for the Inquiry of the Secret Tax Information of Taxpayersand Tax Withholding Agents姓名 name申请单位(个人)Application Institution/individual查询人(代理人)Name of the applicant/agent 有效身份证件号码Availably ID number申请单位(个人)电话Telephone number of the applicant申请单位法人代表或财务负责人签章Signature
2、 of the applicants legal representative or the chief financial officer申请查询事项 Item to be inquired被查询纳税人名称(姓名)Name of the taxpayer to be inquired被查询纳税人识别号码(身份证号码)Taxpayer identification number of the taxpayer to be inquired /ID number查询内容 Content to be inquired:查询结果的用途 Purpose of the inquiring result:
3、 受理情况 Acception (税务机关填写 be filled by the tax bureau)资料审查Material examination受理意见Acception opinion部门负责人签章Signature of the department in 税务机关负责人审批意见Opinion of the examination and 单位介绍信Introduction letter ()有效身份证件Availably ID ()委托授权书Authorization letter ()抵押/质押合同Mortagage/impawn contract ()()同意受理be acc
4、epted.()由于以下原因,不予受理be rejected for the followings:1.申请资料不全,请予补正 incompleted materials.2.不具备查询权限 deficiency of the inquiring popedom.3. charge年月日yy/mm/ddapprovment from the tax bureau年月日yy/mm/dd办结情况 Transaction results(税务机关填写 be filled by the tax bureau)()已按申请提供相关涉税信息。 Have provided the related taxat
5、ion information according to the application.() 经批准,已提供涉税信息复印件。Have confirmed and provided the manifold of the taxation information.()由于以下原因,未提供查询信息。Have not provided the information for the followings:1.2.税务机关经办人签章 Signature of the person in charge年月日yy/mm/dd查询人签收 Signature of acception of the appl
6、icant 年月日yy/mm/dd填表说明 Explaination 一、本表适用于税务机关外部依法对纳税人涉税信息向税务机关提出的查询申请。This application is fit for the inquiring application put forward by the exterior legally.二、人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关依法查询的,可不填“申请单位法人代表或财务负责人签章”一栏。The peoples court、the peoples procuratorate and the public security organs do not have to fi
7、ll “Signature of the applicants legal representative or the financial affairs person in charge”.三、本表为 A3 竖式,一式两份,申请人留存一份,税务机关留存一份。This application is upright A3, in duplicate, kept by the applicant and the tax bureau.四、“资料审查”、“受理意见”和“办结情况”栏目中“()”根据实际情况以“”予以确认。The “()”in the column of “Material examination”、“Acception opinion”and “Transaction results”should be confirmed by “”.