1、An Advanced Course in Interpretation高级口译教程(Unit 4)What is Friendship ?Friendship is a killer of time.Friendship is a builder of unity.Friendship is music of harmony.Friendship is the crystal of trust.Friendship is agreement of souls.Friendship is the fruit of devotion.Friendship is affection and loy
2、alty.Friendship is mutual understanding.Friendship is firewood in cold weather.Friendship is the feeling of natural liking.Friendship means sharing same interests.Friendship means two bodies of one mind.What is Friendship ?痛苦时友谊能宽解忧愁,高兴时友谊使欢乐倍增。Friendship reduces sorrow in times of pain and adds to
3、joy in times of pleasure.友谊使人坦然应对人生的风浪。Friendship enables us to brave calmly the storms of life.在生意的基础上建立的友谊,胜过在友谊的基础上建立的生意。A friendship based on business is better than a business based on friendship.志趣与品德相近,友谊才能巩固。Friendship is strong if it is built on common interests and similar moral standards.
4、Test your memory: Reading Aloud and RecitingPopular SayingsOn FriendshipWhat is Friendship ?痛苦时友谊能宽解忧愁,高兴时友谊使欢乐倍增。Friendship reduces sorrow in times of pain and adds to joy in times of pleasure.友谊使人坦然应对人生的风浪。Friendship enables us to brave calmly the storms of life.在生意的基础上建立的友谊,胜过在友谊的基础上建立的生意。A frien
5、dship based on business is better than a business based on friendship.志趣与品德相近,友谊才能巩固。Friendship is strong if it is built on common interests and similar moral standards.What is Friendship ?友谊具有最好医生的技术和洞察力,最好护士的勤勉和谨慎,最好母亲的体贴和耐心。 Friendship has the skill and observation of the best physician, the dili
6、gence and vigilance of the best nurse, and the tenderness and patience of the best mother.友谊犹如温暖的手,抚慰着你那受伤的心灵。 Friendship is like a warm hand that can caress your injured soul. 真正的友谊犹如健康,失去之后才知其价值。True friendship is like health, the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.What is Friendship ?追求
7、欢乐多于追求道义的友谊不会持久。Friendship in which pleasure predominates over righteousness cannot last.伪善的朋友比公开的敌人更坏。Better an open enemy than a false friend.朋友之间保持一定的距离,可以使友谊长青。(君子之交淡如水。)A hedge between keeps friendship green.亲戚由命运安排,朋友为自己所择。Fate makes relatives while choice makes friends.一个忠实的朋友抵得上一万个亲戚。One loy
8、al friend is worth ten thousand relatives.Up-to-date Expressions (11) 使改革的力度与社会可承受程度相适应 Balance the intensity of reform against the resilience of the public 财政赤字加大 The increase in fiscal deficit 没有内债或外债 Incur no debt, either internal or external 居民储蓄率 Household savings rate 具有区位优势 Enjoy geographical
9、 advantages 非公有经济 Non-public sectors of economy 拥有很多优秀的管理人才 Be blessed with a large pool of people with management expertise 对私营企业的优惠政策 Preferential policies for private enterprises 依法经营,照章纳税 Operate in accordance with law and pay taxes in accordance with rules 维护职工的合法权益 Safeguard the legitimate rig
10、hts and interests of the employees 人民币的强劲和稳定有利于全世界。 A strong and stable RMB yuan is in the interest of the whole world.Up-to-date Expressions (12) 建立科学民主的决策机制 Establish a scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism 接受群众及舆论的监督 Accept the supervision from the general public and media 经济体制转轨 Ec
11、onomic structural transition 严格公务员纪律 Strictly enforce discipline in the civil service 改革行政审批制度 Reform the system of administrative examination and approval 改革人事制度 Reform the system of human resources management 从自己做起,以身作则 Take the lead oneself in setting a good example 剥离商业银行的不良资产 Shift the non-perf
12、orming loans from the commercial banks 政治体制改革的步伐相对缓慢。 The pace of political restructuring is relatively slow. 扩大内需 Stimulate domestic demandUp-to-date Expressions (13) 通货紧缩deflation, lessening the amount of money in circulation 网吧a cybercafe, an Internet bar 团队精神team spirit, spirit of unity and coop
13、eration 夕阳产业sunset industry, declining traditional industry 惜败lose unfortunately by a small margin 钟点工a casual worker paid on an hourly basis 试题库an examination question bank 实职 /虚职a solid / nominal position 百科全书的首发式a ceremony to release the Encyclopedia 刷卡swipe a magnetic card (on a magnetic card reading machine) 博导 /硕导an adviser for Ph. D / MA candidates 死机(a computer) crash, stop working due to a program error or other factors