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1、 2014 年江苏学位英语考试真题答案 注:申国庆独家提供,仅供参考。与试卷的顺序可能不同。申国庆总结:(1)原来可以在各个中心考试,今年只能到南京大学本部考试;(2)2008-2013 年考试试题 85%考书中的原题,2014 年除作文和听力外,阅读、完型、翻译均没考书中的。2014 年出卷的人出了很多 2003 年的原题!学位英语和论文难度加大,是为了控制网络教育的质量,控制学位证的发放量。同志们要更加努力才能拿到双证!听力的考试顺序变了:1.B, 2C, 3C, 4 D, 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ,9 ,10 ,11 , 12 , 13 ,14 B, 15 ,16 B, 17 C,1

2、8A ,19C, 20 C.阅读 21-40 题,顺序和说法变了!21D,22A,23D,24B,25C(2005 年题)。26D,27B,28C,29D,30A(2003 年题)。31A,32A,33C,34C,35D(2003 年题)。36A,37B,38D,39B,40A(外语平台第四期阅读题)。完型(2003 年题)41C,42A,43C,44D,45C, 46A,47A,48A,49C,50B, 51A,52B,53B,54D,55C, 56B,57D,58C,59D,60B.词汇和语法:61A, 62A, 63C,64B, 65A, 66B, 67D,68B, 69C, 70B,7

3、1B, 72D, 73C, 74B, 75C, 76A, 77C, 78A ,79B, 80D(顺序变了) 语法 81womens ,82The,83any,84Their ,85deadly, 86 hadnt heard ,87painted, 88will, 89for, 90because听力:(顺序变了)1. A. No, Im not kidding you. B. No, Im serious. 你开玩笑?一周完成 2 篇学期论文?不,(我没开玩笑),我是认真的。C. Yes, you should do this. D. Yes, Im just joking.2. A. OK

4、 , I can make the schedule. B. Can you make it Monday? (彼特 Peter,我不能在周二安排那个会议。我周二的日程表都排满了。)能安排在周一吗? C. Yeah, looks like you 11 be free. D. OK, lets try on Tuesday. 3. A. No, you must be joking. B. Really? I dont think so. C. Thank you for saying so.(今天你穿的这件连衣裙真是美极了。穿上它你很耀眼!) 谢谢你这样说。D. You like it? 4

5、. A. Mind your own business. B. Whats up? C. I am busy now. D. Sure, what can I do for you? (你能帮个忙吗?)当然,我能为你做些什么? 14. A. Mr. Johnsons secretary. B. Mr. Smiths secretary.(这位女士是)史密斯先生的秘书。 C. The mans friend. D. A nurse in a hospital. 16. A. Course Design. B. Elementary Education. (卡罗尔 Carol 女士主要的研究领域是

6、什么?)基础教育。(注:书中问话有误,改 Emily为 Carol)C. Childrens Literature. D. Childrens Psychology.17. A. They can learn how to write such stories. B. The stories are on their reading list. C. Thats their assignment. (为什么说话者要读儿童故事?)那是他们的作业。 D. They find these stories interesting. 18. C. Solferino. B. New York. A. G

7、eneva. (国际红十字会总部设在,瑞士的)日内瓦。D. Sweden. 19. A. Help governments to win wars. B. Help civilians to survive wars. C. Help wounded soldiers to survive. (国际红十字会的目的是)帮助受伤的战士活下来。D. Win Nobel Peace Price. 20. A. One time. B. Two times. C.Three times. (国际红十字会获得了几次诺贝尔奖?)3 次。(1917 年,1944 年,1963 年共 3 次)D. Not me

8、ntioned. 阅读理解一(2005 年题)Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. For example, too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the local people of a country. If tourists create too much traffic, the local people become unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists and to treat

9、 them impolitely. They forget how much tourism can help the countrys economy(经济). It is important to think about the people of a destination country and how tourism affects them. Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists. Tourism should also advance(推进) the well

10、-being (health and happiness) of local people.Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the countrys economy can suffer.On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can lo

11、se jobs. Businesses can also lose money. It costs a lot of money to build large hotels, airports, air terminals, first-class roads and other support facilities needed by tourist attractions. For example, a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to bu

12、ild. If this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel will lose money.Building a hotel is just a beginning. There must be many support facilities as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, sewers to handle waste, and water. All of these support facilities cost money

13、. 91.If they are not used because there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost.如果他们那里没有足够多的旅游者,他们就会变穷并失业!21 选 D.What is probably the reason if local people dislike tourists?DA.Tourists come to enjoy the customs and beautyB.Local people lose jobsC.A lot of hotels are builtD.Too many tourist

14、s cause traffic problems22 选 A.What can we do to solve the problems caused by tourism?A.Make plans properlyB.Help the countrys economyC.Build fewer hotelsD.Advance the well-being of local people23 选 D.If tourism grows too quickly,_D_.A.businesses will lose moneyB.other parts of the countrys economy

15、will make more moneyC.local people will be happierD.more local people will work for tourists24 选 B.Support facilities needed by tourist attractions includes _B_.public places hotels airports roads electricity sewersA.B.C.D.25 选 C.If the writer wants to add Paragraph 5 to the passage, he may tell us

16、_C_.A.whether people need to build more hotelsB.whether people need to plan tourism properlyC.how to deal with the problems aboveD.how to prevent tourism growing too quickly阅读理解二(2003 年考题)(后面的问题版本不一)For years it has been possible to set up cameras to take pictures of cars as they speed along highway

17、s, jump lights or drive too fast down the street.However,even if the pictures are taken automatically, someone still has to do all the paperwork of sending out fines. But now a British company called EEV has come up with a computerized video system that can do it all automatically.They suggest that

18、all number plates have a bar code(条形码) as well as the usual number. The bar codes are just stripes of lines like those you see on food packets but bigger. EEVs high speed video camera system can read a bar-coded number plate even if the car is doing over 100 miles per hour. The computer controlling

19、the system could then use the information from the bar code to find out the name and address of the driver(from the car records),print out the fine and send it off automatically. The inventors also suggest that the system should watch traffic to help catch stolen cars.The new electronic system could

20、 be watching everyone that passes the cameras!92.Many people find the idea that “big brother is watching you” is more of a worry than a few motorists getting away with driving too fast. Besides, some people will be very unhappy to realize that with the new system the police could find out where a pa

21、rticular car has been.26. An alternative “summary” title for the article could be D .A. People Who Drive Too Fast B. Stop People from Driving Too Fast C. EEV and the Police System D. Implications of Computerized System for Motoring Offenses 27. A traditional function of the camera as used by the tra

22、ffic police system is to B .A. take snapshots of cars on highwaysB. catch cars violating traffic rules C. send fines to fast motorists D. make the traffic system fully automatic 28.The newly-invented system functions more efficiently with the aid of_C_. A. car numberB. vehicle speeding recordsC. bar

23、 coded numbers on number plates D. print-out fines 29.All of the following names can be used to describe EEVs device except D .A. a computerized video systemB. “Big Brother”C. an electronic systemD. an automatic fine printer 30.An additional function of the new system is that it could A .B. add code

24、 numbersA. help catch stolen carC. watch everyone that drives too fastD. print out bar codes automatically已经有好几年,构建照相机来拍下当汽车在高速路上超速、闯红灯、或者在街上过速驾驶的照片已经成为可能。然而即使照片是自动拍摄的,还是有人仍然必须做送出罚款的所有文书工作。但是现在一个名叫 EEV 的英国公司已经提出一个能完全自动工作的由计算机处理的电视系统。他们表示所有的牌照都跟通常的数字一样有一个条形码。条形码就是像你在食物包装上能看到的条纹线一样,只是大点。即使汽车正以每小时超过 10

25、0 英里的时速驾驶,EEV 的高速电视照相系统也能够读出它的有着条形码的牌照。由计算机控制着的系统能够利用条形码上的信息来找出驾驶员的姓名,以及他的住址(从汽车驾驶纪录中找),打印出罚单,然后自动的寄出。发明者还指出这个系统能监视交通来帮助找到被盗窃的车辆。这个新的电子系统能够监视通过照相机的任何一个人。许多人觉得,“大哥在注视着你”这个念头远比让几个超速行车的人逃避受罚要令人担忧得多。另外,一些人会很不乐意的发现,通过这个新的系统,警察能够发现哪里有特殊的汽车。26. 能够大概替代这篇文章的题目是 。A 驾驶超速的人们 B 阻止人们驾驶超速C EEV 和警察系统 D 监视违规的计算机系统的一

26、些细节答案:D 纵观全文可知。27. 被交警系统所用的传统的照相机制是 。A 在高速上拍汽车的快照 B 抓违反交通规则的汽车C 寄罚单给驾驶快的摩托车 D 使交通系统全面自动化答案:B 由文中第一段内容 “set up cameras to take pictures of cars as they speed along highways, jump lights or drive too fast down the street”28. 新发明的系统机制是更多的靠 帮助。A 牌照 B 驾驶速度纪录 C 牌照上的条形码 D 打印罚单答案:C 由文中第三段内容“all number plate

27、s have a bar code”,“EEVs high speed video camera system can read a bar-coded number plate”29. 下列中除了哪一项都能用来描述 EEV 的方法?A 一个计算机控制的电视系统 B “大哥”C 一个电子系统D 一个全自动的打印罚单的答案:D 由文中“come up with a computerized video system ”,“ The new electronic system ”, “big brother is watching you”可知 ABC 都可描述 。30. 关于这个系统的一个额外的

28、功能是它能 。A 增加数字密码 B 帮助找到被盗的车辆C 监视每一个开的过快的人 D 全自动的打印出罚单答案: B 由文中第三段最后一句“The inventors also suggest that the system should watch traffic to help catch stolen cars.”可知答案。 For years it has been possible to set up cameras to take pictures of cars as they speed along highways, jump lights or drive too fast

29、down the street.However, even if the pictures are taken automatically(自动地), someone still has to do all the paperwork of sending out fines. But now a British company called EEV has come up with a computerized video system that can do it all automatically. They suggest that all number plates have a b

30、ar code as well as the usual number. The bar codes are just stripes of lines like those you see on food packets but bigger. EEVs high speed video camera system can read a bar-coded number plate even if the car is doing over l00 miles per hour. The computer controlling the system could then use the i

31、nformation from the bar code to find out the name and address of the driver( from the car records), print out the fine and sent it off automatically. The inventors also suggest that the system should watch traffic to help catch stolen cats.The new electronic system could be watching everyone that pa

32、sses the cameras ! 92.Many people find the idea that “big brother is watching you”is more of a worry than a few motorists getting away with driving too fast. Besides, some people will be very unhappy to realize that with the new system the police should find out where a particular car has been.26The

33、 best title for the article can be _D_.APeople Who Drive Too FastBStop People from Driving Too FastCEEV and the Police SystemDA New Computerized System for Motoring Breaking Law27The former camera used by the traffic police system is to _A_.Atake pictures of cars on highwaysBsend fines to fast motor

34、istsCcatch cars breaking traffic rulesDmake the traffic system fully automatic28The newly-invented system works much better with the aid of _C_.Acar number platesBcar speeding recordsCbar code numbers on number platesDprint-out fines29An additional purpose of the new system is that it could _A_.Ahel

35、p catch stolen carsBadd code numbersCwatch everyone who drives too fastDprint out bar codes automatically30“Big brother is watching you is more of a worry than ”means that many people _C_.Aare more worried about fast-driving motorists than being watched onBfind “big brothers”more worrying than motor

36、istsCare more worried about being watched on than about fast-driving motoristsDfind motorists more worried than “big brothers”阅读三(2003 年考题)93.Since the beginning of history, man has been attracted by the idea of living forever, of wining the fight against death and diseaseSo far, this has only remai

37、ned a dream, though a very powerful oneMany people have wondered whether it would be possible to find a way to preserve human bodies, and what would be the best way to preserve human bodiesIt has long been known that meat of fruit can be kept fresh for long periods by freezing; in ancient China, for

38、 example, food was stored with ice to keep it freshThis method could also be useful for preserving humans, and in fact many people have explored this possibilityHowever, most living beings that exist under warm conditions die when frozenThis is because of the harmful effects of freezing ice crystals

39、(晶体), which are not only larger than the volume of the water originally in the cells, but also form sharp cutting shapes that harms the cellsIn the 1940s Dr BJLuyet and a group of scientists in England were working on the problem of freezing cells without damaging themSince the harm caused by ice cr

40、ystals was the main cause of the damage, Luyet suggested removing some or all of the water from the cells before freezing themUsing living cells from chicken, Luyet and his assistants discovered that they could partly dry the chicken cells, using a mixture of the white part of an egg and glycerin(丙三

41、醇), a clear, thick liquid made chiefly from fats and oilsSome success was obtained The chicken cells were dried, frozen for a period of time, and then carefully unfrozenAlmost all the cells recovered when they reached normal temperaturesSince then, the cooling of whole animals to a temperature very

42、much below freezing point for later unfreezing has become more of a possibility, and the glycerin method would probably be used to accomplish thisWhen this can be done completely and successfully, science will have moved much closer to its aim of freezing and storing incurable patients until the day

43、 they can be cured31The passage is mainly about _A_Athe possibility of preserving human bodies by freezingBthe practice of preserving food by freezingCthe harmful effects of freezingDhow to remove water from living cells32The idea of freezing human bodies to preserve them _A_Acomes from that of keep

44、ing meat and fruit fresh by freezingBwas invented in ancient ChinaChas already been realizedDis widely accepted by the scientific world33According to the passage, freezing is_C_Athe best way of preserving foodBa way of removing water from living cellsCa way of realizing the idea of preserving human

45、bodiesDharmful to living cells and cannot be adopted to preserve them34Glycerin can be used _C_ Ato freeze living cells Bto unfreeze living cellsCto remove water from living cells Dto change the shapes of crystals35The success obtained by Dr Luyet and his helpers was a long step towards _D_Akeeping

46、meat or fruit freshBchanging the volume of the water in living cellsCchanging the shapes of ice crystalsDpreserving human bodies for long periods(93)Since the beginning of history, man has been attracted by the idea of living forever, of wining the fight against death and diseaseSo far, this has onl

47、y remained a dream, though a very powerful oneMany people have wondered whether it would be possible to find a way to preserve human bodies, and what would be the best way to preserve human bodiesIt has long been known that meat of fruit can be kept fresh for long periods by freezing; in ancient Chi

48、na, for example, food was stored with ice to keep it freshThis method could also be useful for preserving humans, and in fact many people have explored this possibilityHowever, most living beings that exist under warm conditions die when frozenThis is because of the harmful effects of freezing ice crystals(晶体), which are not only larger than the volume of the water originally in the cells, but also form sharp cutting shapes that harms the cellsI


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