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1、本次作业是本门课程本学期的第 4 次作业,注释如下:大学英语 I 第 5 单元 作业题一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共 40 道小题)1. What do you think I should do? _ (A) I dont know.(B) Thats not my business.(C) You must talk with him.(D) Youd better talk with him.你选择的答案: D 正确正确答案:D解答参考:第五单元D 当对方问你建议时,你应该委婉地提出自己的看法。你可以表示 Youd better 而不是粗暴地拒绝或是说你“必须”如何2. What

2、about going shopping together? _ (A) It sounds good.(B) I prefer go alone.(C) I am occupied.(D) I have no time.你选择的答案: A 正确正确答案:A解答参考:第五单元 A 当对方建议一起做某事,你不能参与,可以先表示歉意。你能够参与,可以说 It sounds good 说明你很感兴趣3. If you were in my position, what would you do? _ (A) Hi! Its you problem.(B) I werent you.(C) If I

3、were you, I would give up.(D) I dont know.你选择的答案: C 正确正确答案:C解答参考:第五单元C 当对方问“要是你是我,你会怎么办?”的时候,如果你有建议, 则可以说 If I were you, I would 如果你也不知如何是好,则可以说 Sorry, I dont know4. I cant sleep well recently. _ (A) Me, too.(B) You work too hard.(C) Why dont you talk to your doctor?(D) Why bother?你选择的答案: C 正确正确答案:C

4、解答参考:第五单元C 当对方告诉你“我最近睡不好觉”的时候,你可以建议他去看看医生,用 Why dont you (为什么不去)表示5. I dont know which major I should choose to study. _ (A) I have no idea.(B) Have you ever thought of computer science?(C) You ask a wrong person.(D) You dont know at this moment你选择的答案: B 正确正确答案:B解答参考:第五单元B 当对方说 “我还不知道学什么专业?”,你可以提点建议

5、,说 Have you thought of (有没有想过),不要显得很漠然,说 I dont know 或是责怪对方说 You dont ?6. I am worried about my sons eyesight so much. (A) He always takes books so close to his eyes.(B) You think too much.(C) Theres nothing special.(D) Maybe you can take him to have a check.你选择的答案: D 正确正确答案:D解答参考:第五单元D 对方说“我非常担心我儿子

6、的视力”。既然对方很忧虑,你应该提出有效的建议表示诚恳的关心。7. So what should we do next? (A) Lets have a cup of tea, and then discuss the plan.(B) I am not clear.(C) No hurry.(D) Im too busy to do anything.你选择的答案: A 正确正确答案:A解答参考:第五单元A 当对方问 “那么我们下一步干什么呢? ”的时候,如果你知道该干嘛,可以说 Lets 如果你也没意见,你可以说 Do you have any suggestion?8. Would yo

7、u like a cup of coffee? (A) I dislike coffee.(B) It tastes terrible.(C) No, thanks. Ive had at home.(D) Why not?你选择的答案: C 正确正确答案:C解答参考:第五单元C 当对方问“你喝杯咖啡吗?”的时候,如果你想喝,可以说 Yes, please;如果不想喝,可以说 No, thanks9. Lets go fishing. (A) How could you do that?(B) I have no interest.(C) No, are you crazy?(D) Id li

8、ke that. But I cant afford time.你选择的答案: D 正确正确答案:D解答参考:第五单元D 当你被邀请去钓鱼,可是你没有时间去。你可以委婉拒绝,并告知实情,说 Id like to go, but10. Should I book a table in advance? (A) Thats a good idea.(B) You are so cautious.(C) Why do you always want to do such thing?(D) Oh, forget it.你选择的答案: A 正确正确答案:A解答参考:第五单元 A 对方问 “事先需不需要

9、定个桌子 ”,如果你认为有必要,可以说 Its a good idea 如果你认为没有必要,可以说 No, I dont think so11. Workers in big firms receive a _ part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime.(A) enough(B) substantial(C) lot(D) amount你选择的答案: B 正确正确答案:B解答参考:第五单元 B enough 意为“足够的”;substantial 意为“相当大(多)的”;rather 意为“相当地”;amount 意为 “大量

10、”12. They said that food supplies were almost _.(A) existed(B) entered(C) exhausted(D) enquired你选择的答案: C 正确正确答案:C解答参考:第五单元C exist 存在;enter 进入;exhaust 使筋疲力尽;enquire 询问13. Most wage claims are settled by _.(A) compromise(B) comparable(C) comfortable(D) concentrated你选择的答案: A 正确正确答案:A解答参考:第五单元 A comprom

11、ise 意为“妥协处理”;comparable 意为“可比得上的”;comfortable 意为“舒适的”;concentrated 意为“ 专注的”14. Sarah looked slender-waisted, _ and very beautiful.(A) fragility(B) to be fragile(C) fragile(D) weakly你选择的答案: C 正确正确答案:C解答参考:第五单元 C fragility 意为“柔弱”;to be fragile 意为“将变柔弱”;fragile 意为“柔弱的”;weakly 意为“微弱地”15. We are masters

12、of our own _.(A) destiny(B) destined(C) destination(D) determination你选择的答案: A 正确正确答案:A解答参考:第五单元A destiny 意为“命运”;destined 意为“命中注定的”;destination 意为“目的地” ;determination 意为“决心”16. The school will give _ to science, math and modern languages.(A) balance(B) surroundings(C) hobby(D) priority你选择的答案: D 正确正确答

13、案:D解答参考:第五单元 D balance 意为“平衡”;surroundings 意为“周围的事物”;hobby 意为“爱好”;priority 意为“优先权”17. He seems so honest and genuine and my every _ says hes not.(A) instinctive(B) instinctively(C) instant(D) instinct你选择的答案: D 正确正确答案:D解答参考:第五单元D instinctive 意为“本能的”;instinctively 意为“本能地”;instant 意为“立即的”;instinct 意为“本

14、能”18. In the dictionary a workaholic is _ as a person obsessively addicted to work.(A) regarded(B) defined(C) taken(D) labeled你选择的答案: B 正确正确答案:B解答参考:第五单元B defineas 意为“把定义为”;regard (take, label )as 意为“把看成”19. I turned back after a while, but he _ walking.(A) kept on(B) kept from(C) kept with(D) kept

15、to你选择的答案: A 正确正确答案:A解答参考:第五单元A keep on 意为“继续干”;keep from 意为“远离”;keep with 意为“与同步”;keep to 意为“坚持干”20. It is best to _ it easy under this condition.(A) relax(B) take(C) deal with(D) cope with你选择的答案: A 正确正确答案:A解答参考:第五单元A relax 意为“放松”; take it easy 意为“别着急”; deal with 意为“处理,对付”;cope with 意为“处理,对付”21. I w

16、ill never again _ the noble potato, golden fruit of the earth, to which we owe so much.(A) take off(B) take back(C) take sth. for granted(D) take down你选择的答案: C 正确正确答案:C解答参考:第五单元 C take off 意为“脱下”;take back 意为“取回”;take sth. for granted 意为“视为理所当然”;take down 意为“ 记下”22. _ the way we had come, we could s

17、ee the whole valley spread out behind us.(A) Looking back(B) Having looked back(C) To look back(D) Being looked back你选择的答案: A 正确正确答案:A解答参考:第五单元A looking back 现在分词做状语,逻辑主语 we 是动作的发出者,表示动作与主句谓语动作同时发生;having looked back 现在分词完成式,表示动作在主句谓语动作之前发生;to look back 不定式做目的状语,表示动作在主句谓语动作之后发生;being looked back 现在分

18、词的被动态,逻辑主语 we 是动作的接受者23. I want to learn_ about the industry so that Im better prepared.(A) possible of(B) as much as possible(C) as possible much(D) as possible as much你选择的答案: B 正确正确答案:B解答参考:第五单元B as much as possible 意为“尽可能多地”24. Police attempted to _ protesters marching towards the governors offic

19、e building.(A) turn off(B) turn on(C) turn up(D) turn back你选择的答案: D 正确正确答案:D解答参考:第五单元D turn off 意为“切断(电源等) ”;turn on 意为“合上(电源等)”;turn up 意为“出现”;turn back 意为 “返回”25. Mike is _ Johnson.(A) as successful a manager as(B) as a successful manager(C) as a manager successful as(D) as successful manager as你选择的答案: A 正确正确答案:A解答参考:第五单元A as + 形容词 + 不定冠词 + 单数可数名词 + as 分句,为固定结构,表示“和一样的 ”26. There was no obvious reason why this could not be _ a film as the original.(A) possible


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