关于英语小笑话很短的|英语小笑话 特别短 冷笑话是一种新兴的语言现象,伴随着网络的普及它已经渗透到了青年群体的日常生活,间或爆出的一两句冷笑话能使沟通氛围变得轻松愉悦,也能展现交谈者的幽默和才智。细心收集了很短的英语小笑话,供大家观赏学习! 很短的英语小笑话篇1 Gotta Have Faith 要有信念 The is a story about a monastery in Europe perched high on cliff several hundred feet in th air. 有个关于在 欧洲座落于高空好几百英尺悬涯高处的修道院故事。 The only way to reach the monastery was to be suspended in a basket which was pulled to the top by several monks who pulled and tugged with all their strength . 到达修道