1、1论供电系统的防雷接地保护及安全 ljkhkiugh中图分类号:TP论供电系统的防雷接地 保护及安全专业名称:电气自动化技术学生姓名:导师姓名: 职 称:副教授kajdoo二一三年 12 月毕业论文2中图分类:TP272 密级:无UDC: 单位代码:11522论供电系统的防雷接地 保护及安全And Safety Grounding Lightning Protection of Power System姓 名 学 制专 业 电气自动化技术 研究方向 自动化技术导 师 职 称 副论文提交日期 2013.12 论文答辩日期 20300摘 要随着现代电子技术的不断发展,各种高、精、尖的电子设备不断推
4、行电气设备的防雷、接地、防腐蚀。还需要注意静电的防护及防爆和防腐蚀。在供电系统运行时,人们得知道触电后该怎么样做才安全。必须认识电流对人体的危害,人体触电的形式和触电后脱离电源的方法,同时还得了解电后急救的知识。关键词:防雷,接地,危害,故障,保护,安全1AbstractWith the continuous development of modern electronic technology, all kinds of high, refined, sharp constantly promote and popularize application of electronic equip
5、ment, a variety of network system is widely used in electricity, government agencies, schools, transportation, public security, banking, securities, postal and other enterprises and institutions.This among them, the power plant and substation dc system is very important power system, it is an indepe
6、ndent power supply, and is not affected by generator auxiliary power, and stand with change and the influence of system operation mode change, for the power system control circuit, signal circuit, relay protection and automatic device and lighting to provide reliable and stable uninterrupted power s
7、upply, it also offers operation of circuit breaker points, closing power supply.Due to the dc power supply in the secondary systems important position, the reliability and safety of dc system directly affects the safety of the system, although the dc power supply is very stable and reliable, but in
8、practical application, due to the particularity of power system application of dc power supply, especially should control circuit and protection circuit.With the rapid development of electronic technology in recent years, the degree of network computer system is higher and higher, human dependence o
9、n electrical equipment, especially the computer equipment is more and more serious.And electronic miniaturization, integration degree more and more high, all kinds of electronic equipment protection against overvoltage, damaged by lightning and overvoltage ratio showed a trend of rising and cause se
10、rious threat to the safe operation of equipment to the network.During the operation of the power supply system, because the reason such as lightning, operation, short circuit, overvoltage endanger electric equipment insulation, serious damage to the power supply system, the need for lightning protec
11、tion and grounding of electrical equipment, anti-corrosion.Also need to pay attention to the protection and static explosion proof and corrosion resistance.In the power supply system is running, people need to know how do after getting an electric shock to safety.Must understand current to the harm
12、of human body, the human body in the form of electric shock and electric shock after out of the way of power supply, at the same time also will 2learn electricity after first aid knowledge.Key words:Lightning Protection,Ground Fault,Harm,Failure, Protection, Safety3目 录00目录引 言.11雷电的形成及防护.31.1雷电的形成.31
13、.2防雷的原因.41.3 雷电分类.41.4雷电危害.62、防雷保护措施.83 接地保护措施.113.1交流接地系统.123.2 TN系统的几种方案.133.3联合接地系统.144供电系统的安全.164.1供电系统面临的威胁和存在的问题 .164.2供电系统安全的建设 .165供电系统的安全使用.185.1 直流系统接地的危害与故障排除.185.2 使用正压型电气设备及通风系统时要求.196 小 结.217参考文献 .22致 谢.2300引 言自从地球上有了人类,人们就一直未停止过对雷电的产生、雷电的灾害及其活动规律的认识和探索。雷电的产生是由云层中的尘埃、水晶等物质在云层中翻滚运动的时候,经
14、过一些复杂的过程,使这些物质分别带上正电荷与负电荷,带上相同电荷的质量较重的物质会达到云层的下部(一般为负电荷) ,带上相同质量较轻的物质会到达云层的上部, (一般为正电荷) ,这样,同性电荷的汇集就形成了一些带电中心,当异性带电中心之间的空气被其强大的电场击穿,便会出现“放电” (即闪电) 。带负电荷的云层向下靠近地面时,地面的凸出物,金属物等会感应出正电荷,随着电场的逐步增强,雷云向地面的物体形成向上闪流,二者相遇即形成对地放电。在迅猛的放电过程中,不仅会产生强大的雷电流(可达数十至数百 KA) ,还会伴随有强烈的闪光和巨大的声响。这种雷电流具有发生时间短(微秒级的突变) 、幅度值高(几百
15、 KA)的特点,其瞬间功率是巨大的,有极大的破坏力。早在二百多年前,美国科学家富兰克林,在雷雨天通过放风筝实验,证明了雷击现象,并建立了雷电学说。二百年以来人们一直在探索研究、消除减轻雷电对人类活动带来的破坏,随着国民经济建设的日益发展,雷电造成的灾害越来越严重,各行各业遭受雷电灾害的频率越来越高,经济损失越来越大,尤其是城市高层建筑物、电力设施、通信设施及场、计算机及其场地等极容易遭受雷电袭击。地球每年因雷电灾害造成的人员伤亡、财产损失不计其数,导致火灾、爆炸,信息系统瘫痪等事故频繁发生。从计算机网络及至每个家庭的家用电器都会受到雷电灾害的严重威胁,美国每年雷电造成的损失约 5060 亿美元,仅 1998 年就使10 万多台计算机受损。通过雷电灾害造成的损失,人们越来越认清了雷电灾害的严重性,所以也就不断地增强防雷意识,加强雷电的防护。如今,雷电防护的技术日趋成熟,手段更加先进,产品更加安全可靠;雷电防御的领域更加广泛,它涉及到高层建筑,电力、电信、金融、石油、 、教育、气象、航天、旅游、弹药库等。而且现代防雷更要求综合性防护措施,这是相对于局部防雷电和单一措施防雷电的一种综合性防雷电。随着电力体制改革的推进,变电站数字化改造与建设也不断深入发展,综合自动化变电站的不断增多,雷电对弱电设备的危害问题日益突显出来。从国内有关11报