2009年中考英语命题解读 及命题技术探讨.ppt

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1、2009年中考英语命题解读及命题技术探讨江西省教育厅教研室 温爱英n 一、 2009年命题解读n n 二、 “难点 ”题型透析n n 三、命题技术探讨n 一、 2009 年 命 题 解 读2009年命题趋势和命题原则n 1.稳中求变,变中求新。n 2.难度和去年持平或略低于去年。n 3.依据 英语课程标准 五级要求命题。n 4.注重考查学生在特定情景中综合运用语言的能力。n 5.没有偏题、怪题。n 6.语言素材真实、地道,具有鲜明的时代和语文化特 n 征,兼顾趣味性和教育性。n 7.话题为学生所熟悉,符合学生的认知特点,并兼顾 n 城乡差异。n 8.试卷的设计体现人文关怀,评价标准的制定坚持以

2、 “生 ”为本。试卷题目数、分值、权重和时间安排如下:分 考试水平值考试类别考试项目 识记理解应用综合累计分值题数答题方式 时间(分钟)听力测试简短对话理解 10 10 10 三选一20对话、独白理解 10 10 10 三选一短文理解 5 5 5 表格填空书面测试单项填空 15 15 15 四选一 10完形填空 25 25 25四选一选词填空30阅读理解 40 40 20 四选一七选五 40书面表达 15 15 1 写一段话 20累计 15 60 25 20 120 86 120新题型解读n 要求考生阅读一篇短文,然后 根据短文内容从方框的七个选项中,选择五个(句子)还原到文中,使短文意思通顺

3、、结构合理、内容完整。n 本题主要考查学生把握文章结构及对上下文逻辑推理的能力。为什么选择该题型?n 该题型既考查了学生阅读理解诸多方面的内容(尤其考查了学生把握文章结构及对上下文逻辑推理的能力,这两种能力在选择填空中较少涉及。 ),又因以字母为句子标记,评分也同样简单方便;另外,由于选择项远远超过了四项,而且他们之间的使用相互牵制,因此,猜测在这类题目这起不了多大作用。因此该题型具有较高的效度,也具有较高的信度。n 图 式建构: 语 句完形 (222 words)n 根据短文内容,从短文后的 选项 中 选 出能填入空白 处 的最佳 选项 。 选项 中有两 项为 多余 选项 。n (1)_.

4、Here are some.n One popular way is catalog shopping (邮 政打折 购 物 ). There are catalogs for almost every need-like clothes, furniture, health and things for cooking. People also order about 40% of their music from music shop catalogs. They say that music stores are full of loud music.n (2)_. Television

5、 shopping began in 1986. About 5% to 8% of the Americans now shop by television. People say that television shopping is easier than shopping in a shop. How do they buy things? They make a phone call and the things will be sent to their homes. (3)_.n Computer shopping is becoming popular these days.

6、(4)_. Maybe yes. About 37% of American homes now have computers. More people are interested in shopping by computer or “shopping-on-line”. Already, people can use their computers to order many different things, such as computers, flowers, food and T-shirts. (5)_. Soon people may be able to shop for

7、anything, anytime, anywhere in the world.n n A. Another way of shopping is shopping by TV.n B. Is computer shopping the way of tomorrow?n C. There are many ways of shopping in America today.n D. Do you go shopping every day?n E. And TV shopping is on late at night, so people can “go n shopping anytime.”n F. And on-line shopping can be done every day.n G. Chinese and Americans are quite different in the ways n of shopping.n n n Answers: CAEBF


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