Unit 4 Section Asystem n 系统,体系,身体,制度 the solar.ppt

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Unit 4 Section Asystem n 系统,体系,身体,制度 the solar.ppt_第1页
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Unit 4 Section Asystem n 系统,体系,身体,制度 the solar.ppt_第3页
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Unit 4 Section Asystem n 系统,体系,身体,制度 the solar.ppt_第4页
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Unit 4 Section Asystem n 系统,体系,身体,制度 the solar.ppt_第5页
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1、Unit 4 Section Asystem n. 系统,体系,身体,制度 the solar system太阳系a social system社会制度under the new/old system在新 /旧制度下have system in ones work工作有条理Its not the educational _ itself but the way that its performed that needs improving.A. methods B. system C. process D. meansmatchn. 对手 , 火柴 , 比赛 , 配偶 , 般配的人v. 相配

2、, 和 .相配 , 相一致 , 较量 matchwith 使 和 搭配match up to相当,配得上be a match for与 相匹配find/ meet ones match棋逢敌手,遇上对手match point最后决定胜负的分,赛点1. She chose a pair of the leather boots whose color would _ her new skirt well.A. compare B. suit C. match D. agree2. Her shoes _ her dress; they look very well together.A. sui

3、t B. fit C. compare D. matchsuit指条件、口味等合乎需要 fit指大小、尺寸合适compare比较,对照 match指颜色、款式等的搭配combine v. 联合 , 使结合 , 结合n. 集团 , 联合收割机 , 联合企业combine with sth.同某物结合成一体combine A and B 使 A、 B合成一体combine A with B将 A同 B组合combine常指 2个或多个非物质的事物互相融合。join强调吧分离的东西合并为一个整体。unit强调联合后形成新的整体,统一行动connect指两个不同的、分离的事物在某一点上互相接触,但各自

4、仍保持原有的独立性。1. If your knowledge can be in some way _ with my experiences, we are sure to succeed.A. joined B. united C. connected D. combined2. You cant _ studying for your exams with a wild social life.A. combine B. join C. compare D. compete3. Nowhere in nature is aluminium (铝) found free, owing to

5、 its always _ with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.A. combined B. having combined C. combine D. being combinedviolent adj. 猛烈的,强烈的,暴力的,极端的 do violence to 向 行凶;强暴对待 take by violence 强暴lay violent hands on 对 行凶,向 下毒手violent death横死a violent reaction反应强烈a violent storm 暴雨a violent change 剧变ha

6、ve a violent temper 脾气暴躁1. The villagers were often in _ conflicts with each other in those years before the agreement was reached.A. peaceful B. spiritual C. violent D. interested2. Toms father is so _ that Tom is afraid to tell him he has failed.A. violent B. quiet C. happy D. pleasantexplode vi.

7、爆炸 , 激增 , 爆发vt. 使爆炸 , 驳倒 explode a bomb = set off a bomb使炸弹爆炸explode a superstition 破除迷信explode into wild laughter突然大笑起来the exploding world population迅猛增长的世界人口1. The person said, “We must get rid of the bomb in the street, or when it _ many people will be hurt.”A. explodes B. exploded C. will explode D. explode2. We must take steps to prevent the _ world population.A. exploded B. exploding C. explosion D. explosively


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