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1、1开放英语 2 复习资料一、交际用语 Use of English阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选 A(Right), 不恰当的选 B (Wrong)。注意:1)括号中的句子为正确搭配。请大家复习时注意特别掌握。2) 用斜体粗体表示的选项为正确答案。1. -Your friend Sally phoned you this afternoon.- What did she say?A. Right B. Wrong2. - Have you ever tried sailing? - No. Id like to tryA. Right B. Wrong3. - What are

2、you going to do this evening? (09.07)(10.01)- I went there with some friends. (Im going to meet some friends.)A. Right B. Wrong4. - Is there a bank near here? (09.07)(10.01)- Yes. I saw him this morning. (Yes. There is one just down the road.)A. Right B. Wrong5. - What time will the next train leave

3、?- At 8.19.A. Right B. Wrong6. - Where did you go in China?- I went there by train. (I went to Xian and Guilin.)A. Right B. Wrong7. - Have you been to America?- Yes. I went there last year.A. Right B. Wrong8. -Why do you come to live in China?-Because I got a job here.A. Right B. Wrong9. -Whats your

4、 job?- Im a journalist.A. Right B. Wrong10. - Are you ready to order?- Yes. Ill have a steak, please.A. Right B. Wrong11. - When did he go to America?- Two years ago.A. Right B. Wrong12. - How old are you? (Are you married?)- Yes, I am.A. Right B. Wrong213. - What did you think of the film?- I thoug

5、ht it was really great.A. Right B. Wrong14. - Are you ready to order?-Yes. Ill have a chicken salad please.A. Right B. Wrong15. - Are you ready to order?- Ice cream for me please.A. Right B. Wrong16. - Are you ready to order?- Could I have a glass of wine please?A. Right B. Wrong17. - Shall we go to

6、 a restaurant?- See you later. (Great.)A. Right B. Wrong18. - Shall we see a film tonight?-Id rather not, Im quite tired.A. Right B. Wrong19. - How about drinking some coffee?- Id prefer to drink some tea. A. Right B. Wrong20. - Would you like to go to the cinema this evening?-Yes, thats a good idea

7、.A. Right B. Wrong21. - Have you ever tried windsurfing?- Its very kind of you. (No, I havent) A. Right B. Wrong22. - Shall we have something to eat before we go?- Nice to meet you. (Good idea.)A. Right B. Wrong23. - What does he look like?- He is tall and thin.A. Right B. Wrong24. - Have you been t

8、o America?-Ive never been there but I hope to go there in the future.A. Right B. Wrong25. - Can I help you?- Yes, please. Id like to reserve a room.A. Right B. Wrong26. -How do you like the film?- Its very good. I like it.A. Right B. Wrong27. - Can you remember the doctors telephone number?- Yes. It

9、s 6825612.3A. Right B. Wrong28. - Is dinner ready, Carol?- Its nearly ready.A. Right B. Wrong29. - I went to a fashion show last night.- What was it like?A. Right B. Wrong30. -Could I have a bottle of water, please?-Certainly, madam.A. Right B. Wrong31. - How is the weather today?- Im fine, thank yo

10、u. (It is really nice.)A. Right B. Wrong32. -Can I help you?- Nice to see you. (Yes, please.)A. Right B. Wrong33. - Do you like your job?- Im a nurse. (Yes. I find it very interesting)A. Right B. Wrong34. - Shall we see a movie tonight?- See you later. (Good idea)A. Right B. Wrong35. - What would yo

11、u like to drink, madam?- Can I have a glass of white wine?A. Right B. Wrong36. - When did you first come to China?- 10 years ago.A. Right B. Wrong37. - Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?- Hi, Jack. We had a great time. A. Right B. Wrong38. - How are you feeling today? (Shall we go to the cinema this

12、 evening?)- Id rather stay at home.A. Right B. Wrong39. -Can I get you something to drink?- Yes, please. A coca-cola for me A. Right B. Wrong40. -How can I book a cheap hotel? (09.07)(11.01)- If I were you, Id phone a travel agent.A. Right B. Wrong41. -I went to a fashion show last night.- Who took

13、away my book? (What was it like?)A. Right B. Wrong42. - Are you coming to the meeting On Friday? 4-Yes. What time is it on Friday?A. Right B. Wrong43. -What would you like to have?-An orange juice, please.A. Right B. Wrong44. -Where did you go for your holiday? (When did you visit Japan?) (09.07)(10

14、.01) (10.07)-Two years ago. A. Right B. Wrong45. -What are you going to do tomorrow morning?- I saw a film with my son. (Im playing tennis with some friends.)A. Right B. Wrong 46. -Whats your job?-Im a nurse.A. Right B. Wrong47. Hello. Is that Ivydale Guesthouse?-Yes, it is. Can I help you?A. Right

15、B. Wrong48. Have you had a good day?-Yes, but Im very tired.A. Right B. Wrong49. -Have you seen todays newspaper?-Yes, I am. (Yes, I have./No. I havent)A. Right B. Wrong50. How often do you go swimming?- About twice a week.A. Right B. Wrong二、阅读下面的句子和对话,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。注意:其中括号中特别标明的来自最近四

16、次考试真题和四次平时作业。1. The house was made _ wood.A. in B. by C. of 2. You can remember what you do if you _. (作业 2) A. take a diary B. keep a diary C. make a diary3. An application form will be sent to you _. (作业 2)A. on request B. on a request C. in request4. The book was rather expensive, but I bought it

17、 _.(11.01) (作业 1)A. any way B. even though C. anyway 5. He failed _ all his efforts.A. even if B. although C. in spite of 6. They _ leave next Friday.A. decided B. decided to C. decide7. Dont _ him. He is writing a letter now. (作业 2)A. disturb to B. disturb C. disturbing58. I got _ very late this mo

18、rning. I watched too much TV last night. (10.01)A. in B. up C. together9. Is the supermarket _ the right or left? (作业 4)A. on B. in C. at10. Marys father is very pleased _ her. (作业 1) A. with B. at C. for11. The young girl / child _ fluent French. (09.07)A. says B. speaks C. talks12. Tom helped her

19、mother _ the cooking. (作业 3)A. for B. on C. with13. Could you tell me how to _ my English?A. alter B. improve C. change14.This idea hit me when I _ this morning. (作业 4)A. awoke up B. woke C. woke up15.Today is too busy. Lets discuss it _ next week. (作业 1)A. sometimes B. some times C. some time16.You

20、 should be more patient _ your children. (09.07)A. for B. of C. with17.They named the island _ its discoverer. (10.07) (作业 2)A. after B. in C. to 18.Sally is looking for a new job. She has been bored _ her job as a secretary. (作业 2)A. by B. from C. with19. I was _ my _ to school when I saw him. (10.

21、01) (作业 3)A. on, time B. in, way C. on, way20.You wont get better if you dont _ smoking.A. give up B. give away C. give out21.She _ jogging every morning.A. goes B. does C. plays22.A: Thank you for lending me your dictionary. (作业 2)B: Youre welcome. But could you _ to me tomorrow?A. give it back B.

22、give back it C. get back23.He is a good friend of _. (作业 4) A. our B. ours C. ours24.Im going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do you have _ in mind? (作业 2)A. special something B. special anything C. anything special25.I dont know _ to explain it. (作业 3)A. what B. why C. how26._ her mother _ she was at

23、home when the thief came in.A. Neither, or B. Each, and C. Neither, nor27.He bought two books. _ she. (10.07)A. So did B. So was C. So does28. This red bicycle is _ and that blue one is _.A. his, Tom B. his, Toms C. his, Toms29. Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. I want to buy _for her.6A. anything sp

24、ecial B. special something C. something special30.A: _ is at the door? (09.07/10.07) (作业 3)B: It must be our new neighbour, Mrs Jones.A. What B. Which C. Who31.Its very easy to clean up the room. _ can do it.A. Anyone B. Someone C. No one32._ of these books are yours?A. What B. Which C. How33.Youd b

25、etter stop _. Were listening to the news.A. to talk B. talking C. talk34.We built the house _. Nobody helped us. (11.01) (作业 4)A. ourselves B. ours C. myself35.Can Mary express _ in Chinese?A. herself B. hers C. her36.Lets go to the Great Wall by bike, _?A. shall we B. dont we C. arent we37. Have yo

26、u _ seen a tiger?A. yet B. just C. ever38. Youre driving _, slow down! A. too fast B. very slow C. not fast39. Is it difficult to learn to _ Tai Chi? (作业 4)A. do B. play C. go40. If I dont have to work late on Friday, I might _ dancing with friends.A. play B. get C. go41. A: Have you had your breakf

27、ast? (作业 4) B: No, I havent had it _. A. ever B. yet C. just42.Ive always enjoyed _. (10.01) (作业 2) A. swimming B. to swim C. swim43.My aunt was angry with her family and went away _.A. in herself B. by herself C. with herself44.She can hardly wait to hear the news, _?A. cant she B. can she C. does

28、she45.A: Have you ever seen the film The Day After Tomorrow? B: _.A. No, I havent. B. No, I dont. C. No, I didnt.46.A: Have you typed the letter for me? (作业 2)B: _.A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, Ive done.47. He stopped _ TV when the dinner was ready. (作业 1) A. watching B. to watch C . watch48

29、. The children are enjoying _ at the party.A. himself B. theirs C. themselves49. I dont know where the key is, but I suppose I _ it at home.7A. could have left B. should have left C. must leave50. A: I havent eaten all day. (作业 3)B: You _ be very hungry.A. must B. should C. have to51. A: Have you fi

30、nished your homework? (作业 1)B: _.A. No, I didnt. B. No, I havent finished. C. No, I havent.52. After they finished _ football, they went for a drink in a pub.A. playing B. to play C. play53. Be careful! Dont cut _ with the knife.A. you B. yours C. yourself54. I have no idea who stole his wallet. It

31、_ anyone.(09.07) (作业 1)A. could have been B. should have been C. must have been55. A: Have you sent the fax to the travel agent?B: _.A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I do C. Yes, Ive done56. She_to town last week. (作业 3)A. goes B. went C. has gone57. The film was _ that I fell asleep in the cinema.A. too bore

32、d B. so bored C. so boring58. Mike offered to help and so _ John. (作业 1)A. does B. is C. did59. Wheres _newspaper?A. today B. today s C. todays 60.I didnt buy the book because I didnt have _ money on me.A.no B.any C. some61. A: Im sorry to have kept you waiting. (作业 1)B: Oh, not at all, I _ here onl

33、y a few minutes.A. have been B. was C. will be62.His grandfather is very healthy. He _ drinks _ smokes. (作业 1)A. both, and B. neither, nor C. neither, or63.As she _ the newspaper, Granny _ asleep. (作业 1)A. read was fallingB. was reading fellC. readfell64.The buses, _ were full of people, couldnt go

34、very fast. (作业 1)A. that B. which C. there65.Mary said she _ all over the world. (作业 1)A. had been to B. has gone to C. went to66.Youd better have your hair _ before going to your friends wedding. (作业 1)A. cutting B. cut C. to cut67.Nice weather, _?(作业 1)A. doesnt it B. hasnt it C. isnt it68.Mary to

35、ld Little Tom not _ all the money. (作业 1) 8A. spend B. spent C. to spend69.He used to _ very hard when he was young. (作业 1)A. working B. work C. to work70.He has _ gone out. (作业 1) A. just B. now C. soon71.We enjoy _ very much, because it is good to our health. (作业 1) A. swim B. to swim C. swimming7

36、2.March the 8th is _ Day. (作业 1) A. Womans B. Womens C. Womens73.A concert will be held in the school hall _ 4 pm _ Tuesday. (作业 1)A. on at B. inin C. aton74. A: _ my glasses? (作业 2) B: Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago.A. Do you see B. Would you see C. Have you seen75.I was watching TV _ the

37、 telephone rang. (09.07) (作业 2) A. while B. when C. since76.Could you please tell us what kind of work _ you have got experience? (11.01) (作业 2)A. at that B. in which C. which77.This morning I had my finger _ when I was preparing breakfast. (作业 2)A. cutting B. to cut C. cut78.He is really good man,

38、_?(作业 2)A. doesnt he B. isnt he C. wont he79.My father told me _ his trip to Xin Jiang. (作业 2)A. of B. about C. with80.We used to _ bicycles to go to work. (10.07) (作业 2) A. ride B. riding C. to ride81.A car hit her when she was walking _ the road. (作业 2) A. across B. through C. on82.We havent seen such a beautiful film _. (作业 2)A. since four years B. for the past four years C. four years ago83.My parents have _ been to the Great Wall. (10.07) (作业 2)A. sometime B. never C. as yet84. Shirley _


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