雜誌內 Listening Guide 解答.doc

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1、2007 九月號 基礎級 隨堂測驗卷9雜誌內 Listening Guide 解答Unit 1一、 補充單字 1. insect 昆蟲2. cow 母牛3. near 接近4. wing 翅膀5. dragonfly 蜻蜓 6. opening 穴、洞7. donut 油炸圈餅8. arrive 到達9. pillow 枕頭10. drop 落下、掉下二、生字造句 1. ant: Look! Theres an ant on my arm.2. picnic: Lets go on a picnic today.3. farm: There are pigs and chickens on t

2、his farm. 4. barn: The horses are in the barn. 5. sandwich: I will eat a sandwich for lunch. 6. ant lion: There were several ant lions under that tree. 7. hole: A mouse lives in that hole.8. hide: The little boy will hide from his brother. 9. fall: Watch out so that you dont fall. 10. lazy: I feel l

3、azy today. 11. ruin: The blue pen ruined my shirt. Unit 2 一、補充單字1. pear 梨子、洋梨2. famous 著名的、出名的3. involve 牽涉、使捲入4. member 成員、會員5. club 俱樂部、會6. online 上線;連線7. connect 連結8. language 語言9. unreal 不真實的、假的10. if 假如、要是二、生字造句1. peer: Sometimes children do naughty things because of peer pressure.2. learn: Wha

4、t did you learn at school today? 3. university: He studied medicine at the university. 4. mean: What does the phrase “you got it” mean?5. group: There is a group of people standing under the tree.6. join: Im going to join a health club this weekend. 7. Internet: The Internet makes our lives much eas

5、ier.8. Japanese: Japanese is a difficult language to learn.9. surprised: He was surprised by the gift.10. think: I thought you couldnt speak Chinese, but in fact you can!2007 九月號 基礎級 隨堂測驗卷10Unit 3一、補充單字1. pray 祈禱、祈求2. worship 敬神、拜神、作禮拜3. luck 好運、幸運4. fortune 好運、幸運5. mango 芒果6. add 加起來、做加法7. subtract

6、 減、做減法8. event 大事、事件9. actor 演員、男演員10. joke 玩笑11. bubblegum 泡泡糖二、生字造句1. birthday: Today is my brothers birthday.2. temple: Im going to the temple to pray.3. favorite: What is your favorite movie?4. math: I have a math test tomorrow.5. mean: That old lady is so mean!6. homework: She hasnt finisher he

7、r homework.7. celebrate: How will you celebrate Mothers Day?8. greatest: Im reading the greatest book. 9. trick: Lets play a trick on your sister.10. others: You should always be nice to others.Unit 4一、補充單字1. sing 唱歌2. Japan 日本3. sick 生病的4. ready 準備好的5. carry 提著 6. Canada 加拿大7. computer 電腦8. park 公園

8、9. go swimming 去游泳二、生字造句1. tip: Our teacher gave us some good study tips.2. nervous: I always feel nervous when I speak Chinese.3. important: Its very important to eat good food.4. prepare: John isnt prepared for the big test tomorrow.5. pack: We need to pack our bags before we go toJapan.6. bag: Pl

9、ease put all of those apples into this bag.7. notebook: I wrote the new English word in my notebook.8. forget: The new teacher sometimes forgets our names.9. information: Can you give me some information about Taiwan?10. remember: Please remember to call me tomorrow.11. laugh: We all laughed when we

10、 were watchingthe funny movie.12. mistake: Jane made some mistakes when shewas speaking English.13. enjoy: I enjoy playing baseball with my friends. 14. semester: Im going to study hard at school this semester.2007 九月號 基礎級 隨堂測驗卷11Unit 6一、補充單字1. Mexico 墨西哥2. airplane 飛機3. earth 地球4. thought 思考、想法5. i

11、dea 意見、見解、思想6. trip 旅行、航行、行程7. boat 船8. floor (樓房的 ) 層9. noise 聲響、噪音10. scared 害怕的二、生字造句1. sky: Look! Up in the sky! Its a really big bird!2. guess: Can you guess how old I am? 3. plane: That small plane will take us to Green Island. 4. world: Taipei is my favorite city in the whole world. 5. mean:

12、What does the word “elevator” mean? 5. real: Will I go out with you? Is that a real question, or just a joke? 6. flight: The flight from Tokyo to Taipei is not very long. 7. test: The scientists did a test drive of the new car. 8. deck: The boat has an upper deck where we can watch for whales in the

13、 ocean.9. quiet: The library is a quiet place. 10. comfortable: This chair is very comfortable. 11. problem: I have a problem: I cant find my glasses!12. afraid : Kelly was afraid that Mark wouldnt come to her party.Unit 7一、 補充單字1.amount 數量2.short 短暫的;短的3.alive 活著的4.reason 原因、理由5.snake 蛇6.dirt 土7.ar

14、ea 地區、區域8.add 增加9.which 哪個、哪些10.whale 鯨魚11.scientist 科學家12.Italy 義大利二、生字造句1. less: I have less money than my father.2. long: I want to live a long time.3. worm: There are lots of worms in my garden.4. side: I have a part time job on the side.5. gene: We each have genes of our father and mother.6. an

15、imal: Elephants are the biggest land animals.7. people: How many people are in this restaurant now?8. study: This study shows that smoking is bad for your health.9. show: The teacher showed us some interesting things.10. percent: I got 100% on the math test!11. pizza: This pizza is very delicious!12

16、. hungry: I am so hungry, I could eat a horse!2007 九月號 基礎級 隨堂測驗卷12Unit 8一、補充單字 1. admire 欣賞、欽佩2. actor (男) 演員3. athlete 運動員4. hear 聽5. jazz 爵士樂6. pop 流行音樂7. person 人8. plan 計畫 .打算 9. effort 努力10. volleyball 排球11. program 節目表演12. degree 程度、等級二、生字造句1. idol: Beckham is my favourite sports idol. 2. list

17、en: Listen to the bird singing. 3. music: What kind of music do you like?4. singer: Wang Lee Hom is a great singer.5. dream: She dreams of winning one million dollars. 6. famous: Jay Chou is famous in Taiwan. 7. idea: Sorry, but I dont like your idea. 8. try: If you try it, you might like it. 9. sho

18、w: She watches that show every day at 2 oclock. 10. enough: Is there enough cake for everyone?11. practice: You should practice your English more. Unit 9一、補充單字1. sharp 尖銳的2. knives 刀 (複數)3. vegetable 蔬菜4. messy 混亂5. scary 可怕的2007 九月號 基礎級 隨堂測驗卷136. fight 打鬥7. push 推8. hurt 傷害9. monster 怪物10. illegal

19、非法11. legal 合法12. child 小孩13. children 小孩 (複數)二、生字造句1. game: Soccer is a fun game.2. someone: Can someone please help me?3. knifeL:Please give me that knife.4. else: What else can I do today?5. blood: There is blood all over your leg!6. horror: She likes watching horror movies.7. video: Jimmy is playing a video game.8. violent: This TV show is very violent.9. player: That player just beat my score!10. kill: The bad man killed two people.11. crime : It is a crime to steal from stores.12. along: We can have bread along with the soup.13. kid: The kids are playing outside at


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