摘 要:以西安地铁2号线深基坑开挖施工监理为例,对深基坑施工控制要点进行了介绍。从深基坑施工的基坑开挖、支撑安装及制作、降水控制、监控量测结果等几个方面介绍了深基坑安全监理控制要点,以解决深基坑的施工安全监理问题,保证基坑施工安全。关键词:地铁车站;深基坑;监理Abstract:Taking Water-Proof Concretes Crack Control of Xian subway 2nd Lines main Structure as an example,this paper analysed the reasons of the main structural crack of subway, and put forward comprehensive preventive measures from material lection, concrete mixture rate, structure design and construction technique, so as to solve the crack in concrete stru