1、综合英语二课程教学大纲一、课程基本情况课程中文名称: 综合英语二课程英文名称: Comprehensive English II课程类别: 外语技能课课程性质: 必修课课程代码: ENGL1009总学分数: 4总学时数: 56 其中理论学时数: 56 实践(实验)学时数: 0 适用对象: 非英语专业本科生(分层 B 类)先修课程: 无开课学期: 第一学期开课单位: 应用外语学院二、课程教学目的综合英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。综合
2、英语二作为大学英语课程体系中的公共基础课程,是在我校“分级教学、夯实基础、突出应用”的大学英语教学指导原则下专为非英语专业本科生(分层 B 类)开设的必修课程。该课程的目的是在学生原有的英语基础上,使学生进一步拓展词汇量,能够比较熟练地运用英语语音、词汇、语法及篇章结构等语言知识,提高对复杂句式的理解能力,具备理解中等难度英语文章的能力,能够就较熟悉的主题或话题进行较为自如的口头和书面交流。同时, 综合英语二应为学生营造良好的语言环境和人文环境,帮助学生提高跨文化交际能力和思辨能力,为后续课程做好相应的准备。三、先修课的要求本课程的教学对象是本校非英语专业的一年级分层 B 类的本科生。入学时,
3、他们应已掌握基本的英语语音和语法知识,领会式掌握约 2200 个单词(其中积极词汇约 1200 个) ,并在听、说、读、写等方面受过初步的训练,具备准确理解一般难度英语文章的能力,掌握基本的书面表达和口语表达技能,并开始适应思辨式的学习方式。四、课程教学内容、要求及重点、难点注:每学期根据教学实际从以下十单元内容中选取六个单元展开教学。第一章 Introduction to the course(一)主要内容Introduction to teaching plan, course requirements etc. A discussion on college education and
4、college English learning. (二)教学要求1. Introduce the teaching plan, course requirements, etc. 2. Talk about the purpose of college education and English learning(三)重点和难点1. Misunderstandings about college education 2. Tips for successful college English study第二章 Unit 1 (一)主要内容Section A: Learning a Forei
5、gn LanguageSection B: Keys to Successful Online Learning(二)教学要求1. Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2. Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3. Speaking: to talk about English learning experience;4. Reading: to find out the meaning of unfamiliar word
6、s through contextual clues;5. Writing: to develop a paragraph of cause and effect.(三)重点和难点1. Get the main idea of the passage and analyze the text structure2. Develop a cause-and-effect paragraph第三章 Unit 2 (一)主要内容Section A: Deep ConcernSection B: Is There a Generation Gap(二)教学要求1. Words and expressi
7、on: to grasp the key words and expressions;2. Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3. Speaking: to talk about generation gap;4. Reading: to distinguish between facts and opinions;5. Writing: to develop a paragraph using sequenced order and time markers.(三)重点和难点1. Talk about t
8、he possible reasons for and solutions to generation gap2. Develop a paragraph with sequenced order of events第四章 Unit 3 (一)主要内容Section A: A Good Heart to Lean OnSection B: The Right Son at the Right Time(二)教学要求1. Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2. Listening: to listen for
9、 the main idea and important details;3. Speaking: to talk about views on marriage across nations;4. Reading: to find out key ideas in sentences;5. Writing: to develop a paragraph of general point supported by examples.(三)重点和难点1. Find out key ideas in sentences2. Develop a paragraph of general point
10、supported by examples.第五章 Unit 4(一)主要内容Section A: How to Make a Good impressionSection B: Body Language(二) 教学要求1. Words and expressions: to grasp the key words and expressions;2. Grammar: to practice the structures of “V-ing” and “so(that)”;3. Listening: to listen for the main idea and important det
11、ails;4. Speaking: to talk about tips to make a good impression;5. Reading: to identify general statement and examples in paragraphs;6. Writing: to develop a paragraph of a statement supported by a list of examples.(三)重点和难点1. Understand the connotation of each tip to make a good impression;2. Find ou
12、t the main idea of each paragraph in Section B;3. Correctly use V-ing structure;4. Write a paragraph supported by a list of examples.第六章 Unit 5 (一)主要内容Section A: A battle against AIDSSection B: The Last Dive at the Olympics(二) 教学要求1. Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2. Li
13、stening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3. Speaking: to talk about the transmission and prevention of AIDS;4. Reading: to identify general statement and details in paragraphs;5. Writing: to develop a problem-solution paragraph by writing a statement and supporting it with details.
14、(三)重点和难点1. Talk about the transmission and prevention of AIDS2. Develop a problem-solution paragraph第七章 Unit 6 (一)主要内容Section A: The TrashmanSection B: The Company Man (三) 教学要求1. Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2. Listening: to listen for the main idea and important deta
15、ils;3. Speaking: to talk about prejudice in jobs;4. Reading: to understand idiomatic expressions;5. Writing: to develop a paragraph of a statement supported by a list of examples.(三)重点和难点1. Identify general statement and examples2. Talk about prejudice in jobs第八章 Unit 7 (一)主要内容Section A: Face-to-Fac
16、e with GunsSection B: Should I Have a Gun?(二) 教学要求1. Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2. Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3. Speaking: to talk about violence in the society and gun control;4. Reading: to learn to read between the lines; 5. Writ
17、ing: to write a paragraph of sequential actions;(三)重点和难点1. Study the language points;2. Learn to talk about social problems;3. Learn how to use new words and phrases in new contexts;4. Learn to write a paragraph of sequential actions.第九章 Unit 8 (一)主要内容Section A: Birth of bright ideasSection B: Ways
18、of increasing creativity(二)教学要求1. Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2. Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3. Speaking: to talk about the students creative ideas;4. Reading: to scan and predict the content of a passage;5. Writing: to develop a para
19、graph of contrast.(三)重点和难点1. Discuss how one can become more creative2. Scan and predict the content of a passage第十章 Unit 9 (一)主要内容Section A: College Success Made EasySection B: A Major Question of Majors(二)教学要求1. Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2. Listening: to listen f
20、or the main idea and important details;3. Speaking: to talk about the standard to judge a student;4. Reading: to learn different ways of previewing a passage;5. Writing: to develop a paragraph of a topic supported by details.(三)重点和难点1. Discuss how to judge a student in an appropriate way2. Develop a
21、 paragraph of a topic supported by details第十一章 Unit 10 (一)主要内容Section A: Being Honest and OpenSection B: Website Resources: The Best Aid for Cheating? (二)教学要求1. Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2. Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3. Speaking: t
22、o talk about the importance of establishing and maintaining moral standards 4. Reading: to understand idiomatic expressions;5. Writing: To develop a paragraph of a general principle supported by details.(三)重点和难点1. Discuss the importance of establishing and maintaining moral standards2. Develop a par
23、agraph of a topic supported by details五、课程教学方法与手段1、传统教学与多媒体授课相结合,采用课堂面授方式进行,充分利用现代教育技术,正确处理好多种媒体教材之间的关系。 录音、录像和 PPT 课件的使用有机地纳入整个课程的教学计划,与文字教材配合使用。 2、教师定期给学生布置课外作业,作业内容与形式由教师根据教材内容和学生情况确定。任课教师不定期地抽查学生的作业,检查作业的完成情况。课外作业的平均成绩在学期总评成绩中占一定比例。3、开展多样化的课堂活动和课外延伸活动。课堂活动应具有明确的培养目标和具体的实施计划。课外学习任务旨在帮助学生学会运用知识和理论
24、,提高学习兴趣,及培养自主学习的意识和能力。教师对课外延伸任务应有具体的要求,并进行一定程度的监督和辅导。课堂活动和课外任务的表现和完成情况一般会在平时分中占有一定比例。4、网络平台运用到教学环节中,以提高教学效率和师生间交流的积极性。教师逐步引导学生利用课程网络平台进行信息阅览、课件下载、作业提交、话题讨论、自由交流等学习活动。5、根据不同学生的程度和学习需求,任课教师自由设计具体的教学手段,如研究式学习、任务型学习、自主阅读任务、presentation、辩论、表演等等。六、实践环节及基本要求无 7、各教学环节学时分配表教学环节教学时数课程内容课堂讲授 实验 实践习题课讨论课 设计 其它
25、小计(一)课程简介 2 2(二)第一教学单元 7 1 8(三)第二教学单元 7 1 8(四)第三教学单元 7 1 8(五)第四教学单元 7 1 8(六)第五教学单元 7 1 8(七)第六教学单元 7 1 8(八)其他拓展内容 4 4(九)复习 2 2总 计 44 6 6 56八、推荐教材和学习资源 教材:1. 郑树棠等编著, 新视野大学英语读写教程 (第二版)第 1 册,外语教学与研究出版社,2011.参考书:1. 郑树棠等编著, 新视野大学英语读写教程 (第二版)第 1 册( 教师用书),外语教学与研究出版社,2011.2. 大学英语精品课程网站: 3. HEEP 高等英语教学网: http:/ ( )考试 计分方式 ( )百分制( )考查 ( )等级制( )方式 1:平时 30%,期末 70%( )方式 2:平时 40%,期末 60%( )方式 3:平时 50%,期末 50%课程期末考核总分评定方式( )方式 4:教师自定义备注 期末成绩构成为:口试 30%+笔试 30%十、其他制订人: 孙淑女审核人: 张作功学院(部): 应用外语学院制订日期: 2016 年 9 月 正文,宋体,小 4 号