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1、1從數理科英文生字學起伍德基 T.K.NgScientific Way of Learning English Vocabulary2英 文 生 字 組 成 部 份字首 + 字根 + 字尾prefix root suffix 3例如: compositioncom + posit + ion| | |together put (noun)將生字排放在一起 作文4參考 References1. 英文字源網上字典http:/2. 英文字根字典劉毅編著 學習出版有限公司3. 英文單字記憶術許清梯編譯 羅拔書局5目 錄1. a- , an- = not , without (不,非 )2. acid

2、= sour (酸 )3. act = to do (行動 )4. ag- = to do , to act (行動 )5. ali- = to nourish (滋養 )6. alter , ali- = other (其他的 )7. angl- , angul- = angle (角 )8. anima- = to breath (氣息 ), life (生命 )9. apt- = fit (適當的 )10.aqua- = water (水 )P.12P.14P.15P.19P.20P.21P.23P.25P.26P.27611. bi- , di- = double , two , tw

3、ice (二 )12. calc- = lime (石灰 )13. cap- , cip- = head (頭 )14. carn- = fresh (肉 )15. cav- = hollow (中空的 )16. centr- = centre (中心 )17. chloro- = pale green (淺綠色 )18. circ- , cyc- = ring (環 )19. circum- = around , round about (周圍 )20. cur- = to run , to flow (跑,流 )P.28P.31P.332P.35P.36P.44P.46P.38P.40P.

4、41721. dia- = through , between , across (橫過 )22. dic- , dict- = to say (說 )23. du- , duo- , dou- = two (二 )24. -duce , -duct = to lead (領導 )25. electr- = electric (電的 )26. equ- = equal (相等的 )27. fact- = to make ,to do (做 )28. fin- = to end (結束 )29. flu- = to flow (流動 )30. for- , fort- = strong (強壯的

5、 )P.57P.60P.63P.66P.68P.71P.74P.51P.54P.49831. form = to shape (形狀 ) 32. found- , fund- = base (基礎 )33. fract- , frag- = to break (打破 ) 34. gen- = together (生產 ) , race (種族 )35. -gram = to write , to draw (書寫 )36. -graph = to draw , to write (書寫 )37. heli- = sun (太陽 )38. hydro- = water (水 )39. iso-

6、= equal (相等的 )40. -ject = to throw (投,擲 )P.86P.91P.93P.96P.97P.100P.102P.82P.84P.77941. labor- = to work (工作 )42. mon- , mono- = one , single (單一 )43. neutr- = neither (兩者都不 )44. nucl- = nut (堅硬的 )45. numer- = to count (計數 )46. oxy- = acid (酸 )47. part- = part (部分 ) , to divide (分開 )48. pass- = to p

7、ass (通過 )49. peri- = around , round about (周圍 )50. -peri = to go through (通過 ), to try (嘗試 )P.111P.112P.114P.115P.119P.122P.124P.107P.110P.1061051. -port = gate (門 ) , harbour (港口 )52. -port = to carry (運送 )53. pos- = to put , to place (放置 )54. prim- , prin- = first (第一 )55. proto- = first56. quadr- , tetra- = four (四 )57. rect- = right (正當的 ), straight(直的 )58. sal- = salt (鹽 )59. sat- = full (充滿的 )60. solu- , solv- = to loosen (放鬆 )P.137P.140P.142P.144P.147P.149P.151P.128P.131P.126


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