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1、英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/ 联合推出英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/推出 2008 高考英语原题讲解与试卷分析12008 年普通高等学校招生统一考试 英语 辽 宁第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 20 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡。第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

2、例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15. B. 9.15. C. 9.18.答案是 B。1. What is the weather like?A. Its raining. B. Its cloudy. C. Its sunny.2. Who will go to China next month?A. Lucy. B. Alice. C. Richard.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. The mans sister. B. A film. C. An actor.4. Where will the speake

3、rs meet?A. In Room 340. B. In Room 314. C. In Room 223.5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. At home.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前后,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒

4、钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 8 题。英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/ 联合推出英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/推出 2008 高考英语原题讲解与试卷分析26. Why did the woman go to New York?A. To spend some time with the baby. B. To look after her sister.C. To find a new job.7. How old was the baby when the woman left New York?A. Two mo

5、nths. B. Five months. C. Seven months.8. What did the woman like doing most with the baby?A. Holding him. B. Playing with him. C. Feeding him.听第 7 段材料,回答第 9 至 11 题。9. What are the speakers talking about?A. A way to improve air quality. B. A problem with traffic rules.C. A suggestion for city plannin

6、g.10. What does the man suggest?A. Limiting the use of cars. B. Encouraging people to talk.C. Warning drivers of air pollution.11. What does the woman think about the mans idea?A. Its interesting. B. Its worth trying.C. Its impractical.听第 8 段材料,回答第 12 至 14 题。12. How long will the man probably stay i

7、n New Zealand?A. One week. B. Two weeks. C. Three weeks.13. What advice does the woman give to the man?A. Go to New Zealand after Christmas. B. Book his flight as soon as possible.C. Save more money for his trip.14. What can we learn about flights to New Zealand at Christmas time?A. They require ear

8、ly booking. B. They can be twice as expensive.C. They are on special offer.听第 9 段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。15. Why did Jane call Mike?A. To ask him to meet her. B. To tell him about Tom.C. To borrow his car.16. Where will Jane be in about one hour?A. At Mikes place. B. At the airport. C. At a garage.17. What

9、 can we infer from the conversation?A. Jane has just learned to drive. B. Janes car is in bad condition.C. Mike will go to the airport.听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。18. What did the speaker ask the students to do the week before?A. Write a short story. B. Prepare for the lesson. C. Learn more about the wr

10、iter.19. Why does the speaker ask the questions?A. To check the students understanding of the story.英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/ 联合推出英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/推出 2008 高考英语原题讲解与试卷分析3B. To draw the students attention to reading skills.C. To let the students discuss father-son relationships.20. What will t

11、he students do in 10 minutes?A. Ask more questions. B. Discuss in groups. C. Give their answers.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分5 分)第一节:单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C 、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Did you have a good time in Thailand last week? _, it was too hot.A. No! really B. Yeah, why not C.

12、Oh, great D. Youre right22. Peter _ be really difficult at times even though hes a nice person in general.A. shall B. should C. can D. must23. We first met on a train in 2000. We both felt immediately that we _ each other for years.A. knew B. have known C. have known D. know24. My neighbor asked me

13、to go for _ walk, but I dont think Ive got _ energy.A. a; 不填 B. the; the C. 不填;the D. a; the25. You have to be a fairly good speaker to _ listeners interest for over an hour.A. hold B. make C. improve D. receive26. Could you tell me how to get to Victoria Street?Victoria Street? _ is where the Grand

14、 Theatre is.A. Such B. There C. That D. This27. He was busy writing a story, only _ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.A. to stop B. stopping C. to have stopped D. having stopped28. _ hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Wherever D. Howev

15、er29. Have you got any job offers?No. I _.A. waited B. had been waiting C. have waited D. am waiting30. It looks like the weather is changing for _. Shall we stick to our plan?A. the worse B. worse C. the worst D. worst31. Please remain _; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.A. seating B.

16、 seated C. to seat D. to be seated32. I used to love that film _ I was a child, but I dont feel it that way any more.A. once B. when C. since D. although33. I like Mr. Miners speech; it was clear and _ the point.A. at B. on C. to D. of34. My name is Jonathan. Shall I spell it for you?_.A. If you don

17、t mind B. Not at all C. Take it easy D. Nice to meet you英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/ 联合推出英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/推出 2008 高考英语原题讲解与试卷分析435. Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and _.A. I was neither B. neither was I C. I was either D. either was IC. mustnt shout C. mustnt have shou

18、ted第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I was a single parent of four small children, working at a low-paid job. Money was always tight, but we had a 36 over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot, always 37 . No

19、t knowing we were poor, my kids(孩子们) just thought I was 38 . Ive always been glad about that.It was Christmas time, and although there wasnt 39 for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party. But the big 40 for the kids was the fun of Christmas 41 .They planned weeks ahead of time,

20、asking 42 what they wanted for Christmas. Fortunately, I had saved $120 for 43 to share by all five of us.The big 44 arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and 45 them to look for gifts of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop; then we would 46 back at

21、 the “Santas Workshop”.Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits, 47 my younger daughter, Ginger, who was unusually 48 . She had only one small, flat bag with a few candies fifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didnt say anything 49 we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed

22、 the door, 50 to be angry again. This is what she told me.“I was looking 51 thinking of what to buy, and I 52 to read the little cards on the Giving Trees. One was for a little girl, four years old, and all she 53 for Christmas was a doll(玩具娃娃). So I took the card off the tree and 54 the doll for he

23、r. We have so much and she doesnt have anything.”I never felt so 55 as I did that day.36. A. roof B. hat C. sky D. star37. A. little B. less C. enough D. more38. A. busy B. serious C. strict D. kind39. A. effort B. room C. time D. money40. A. improvement B. problem C. surprise D. excitement41. A. sh

24、opping B. travelling C. parties D. greetings42. A. the other B. each other C. one by one D. every other one43. A. toys B. clothes C. presents D. bills44. A. day B. chance C. cheque D. tree45. A. forced B. reminded C. invited D. begged46. A. draw B. stay C. move D. meet47. A. including B. besides C.

25、except D. regarding48. A. quiet B. excited C. happy D. ashamed49. A. since B. after C. while D. until英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/ 联合推出英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/推出 2008 高考英语原题讲解与试卷分析550. A. waiting B. ready C. hoping D. afraid51. A. out B. over C. forward D. around52. A. forgot B. stopped C. failed D. ha

26、ted53. A. wanted B. did C. got D. played54. A. made B. searched C. bought D. fetched55. A. angry B. rich C. patient D. bitter第三部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)请认真阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AI travel a lot, and I find out different “styles”(风格) of directions every time I ask “

27、How can I get to the post office?”Foreign tourists are often confused(困惑) in Japan because most streets there dont have names; in Japan, people use landmarks(地标) in their directions instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, “Go straight down to the corner. Turn left a

28、t the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop.”In the countryside of the American Midwest, there are not usually many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land is very flat; in many places there are no towns or buildings within miles. Instead of landmar

29、ks, people will tell you directions and distances. In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will say, “Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile.”People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map; they measure distance in time, not miles. “How far away is the post of

30、fice?” you ask. “Oh,” they answer, “its about five minutes from here.” You say, “Yes, but how many miles away is it?” They dont know.Its true that a person doesnt know the answer to your question sometimes. What happens in such a situation? A new Yorker might say, “Sorry, I have no idea.” But in Yuc

31、atan, Mexico, no one answers “I dont know.” People in Yucatan believe that “I dont know” is impolite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one. A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!56. When a tourist asks the Japanese the way to a certain place, they usually _.A. describe the place car

32、efully B. show him a map of the placeC. tell him the names of the streets D. refer to recognizable buildings and places57. What is the place where people measure distance in time?A. New York. B. Los Angeles. C. Kansas. D. Iowa.58. People in Yucatan may give a tourist a wrong answer _.A. in order to

33、save time B. Los Angeles.C. so as to be polite D. for fun59. What can we infer from the text?A. Its important for travelers to understand cultural differences.B. Its useful for travelers to know how to ask the way properly.C. People have similar understandings of politeness.D. New Yorkers are genera

34、lly friendly to visitors.英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/ 联合推出英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/推出 2008 高考英语原题讲解与试卷分析6BHeroes of Our TimeA good heartDikembe Mutombo grew up in Africa among great poverty and disease. He came to Georgetown University on a scholarship(奖学金) to study medicine but Coach(教练) John Thompson

35、 got a look at Dikembe and had a different idea. Dikembe became a star in the NBA, and a citizen of the United States. But he never forgot the land of his birth, or the duty to share his fortune with others. He built a new hospital in his old hometown in the Congo. Af friend has said of this good-he

36、arted man: “Mutombo believes that God has given him this chance to do great things.”Success and kindnessAfter her daughter was born, Julie Aigner-Clark searched for ways to share her love of music and art with her child. So she borrowed some equipment, and began filming childrens videos(录像) in her o

37、wn house. The Baby Einstein Company was born, and in just five years her business grew to more than $20 million in sales. And she is using her success to help others producing child safety videos with John Walsh of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Julie says of her new program

38、: “I believe its the most important thing that I have ever done. I believe that children have the right to live in a world that is safe.”Bravery and courageA few weeks ago, Wesley Autrey was waiting at a Harlem subway station with his two little girls when he saw a man fall into the path of a train.

39、 With seconds to act, Wesley jumped onto the tracks, pulled the man into the space between the rails(铁轨), and held him as the train passed right above their heads. He insists hes not a hero. He says: “We have got to show each other some love.”60. What was Mutombo praised for?A. Being a star in the N

40、BA. B. Being a student of medicine.C. His work in the church. D. His willingness to help the needy.61. Mutombo believes that building the new hospital is _.A. helpful to his personal developmentB. something he should do for his homelandC. a chance for his friends to share his moneyD. a way of showin

41、g his respect to the NBA62. What did the Baby Einstein Company do at its beginning?A. Produce safety equipment for children.B. Make videos to help protect children.C. Sell childrens music and artwork.D. Look for missing and exploited children.63. Why was Wesley Autrey praised as a hero?A. He helped

42、a man get across the rails.B. He stopped a man from destroying the rails.C. He protected two little girls from getting hurt.英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/ 联合推出英语学习网 http:/ 英语教师网 http:/推出 2008 高考英语原题讲解与试卷分析7D. He saved a person without considering his own safety.CTom was one of the brightest boys in the y

43、ear, with supportive parents. But when he was 15 he suddenly stopped trying. He left school at 16 with only two scores for secondary school subjects. One of the reasons that made it cool for him not to care was the power of his peer(同龄人) group.The lack of right male(男性的) role models in many of their

44、 lives at home and particularly in the school environment(环境) means that their peers are the only people they have to judge themselves against.They dont see men succeeding in society so it doesnt occur to them that they could make something of themselves. Without male teachers as a role model, the e

45、ffect of peer actions and street culture(文化) is all-powerful. Boys want to be part of a club. However, schools can provide the environment for change, and provide the right role models for them. Teachers need to be trained to stop that but not in front of a childs peers. You have to do it one to one

46、, because that is when you see the real child.Its pointless sending a child home if he or she has done wrong. They see it as a welcome day off to watch television or play computer games. Instead, schools should have a special unit where a child who has done wrong goes for the day and gets advice abo

47、ut his problems somewhere he can work away from his peers and go home after the other children.64. Why did Tom give up studying?A. He disliked his teachers.B. His parents no longer supported him.C. Its cool for boys of his age not to care about studies.D. There were too many subjects in his secondary school.65. What seems to have a bad effect on students li


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