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1、MATLAB小波分析与应用实践Wavemngr函数 小波管理器语法格式: wavemngr(add,FN,FSN,WT,NUMS,FILE) wavemngr(add,FN,FSN,WT,NUMS,FILE,B) wavemngr(del,N) wavemngr(restore) wavemngr(restore,IN2) OUT1 = wavemngr(read) OUT1 = wavemngr(read,IN2) OUT1 = wavemngr(read_asc)wavemngr(read)% List initial wavelets families. ans =Haar haar D

2、aubechies db Symlets sym Coiflets coif BiorSplines bior ReverseBior rbio Meyer meyr DMeyer dmey Gaussian gaus Mexican_hat mexh Morlet morl Complex Gaussian cgau Shannon shan Frequency B-Spline fbsp Complex Morlet cmor = wavemngr(read,1)ans = Haar haar = Daubechies db - db1db2 db3 db4 db5db6 db7 db8

3、db9db10 db* = Symlets sym - sym2 sym3 sym4 sym5 sym6 sym7 sym8 sym* = Coiflets coif - coif1 coif2 coif3 coif4 coif5 = BiorSplines bior - bior1.1 bior1.3 bior1.5 bior2.2 bior2.4 bior2.6 bior2.8 bior3.1 bior3.3 bior3.5 bior3.7 bior3.9 bior4.4 bior5.5 bior6.8 = ReverseBior rbio - rbio1.1 rbio1.3 rbio1.

4、5 rbio2.2 rbio2.4 rbio2.6 rbio2.8 rbio3.1 rbio3.3 rbio3.5 rbio3.7 rbio3.9 rbio4.4 rbio5.5 rbio6.8 = waveinfo(db)DBINFO Information on Daubechies wavelets. Daubechies Wavelets General characteristics: Compactly supported wavelets with extremal phase and highest number of vanishing moments for a given

5、 support width. Associated scaling filters are minimum-phase filters. Family Daubechies Short name db Order N N strictly positive integer Examples db1 or haar, db4, db15 Orthogonal yes Biorthogonal yes Compact support yes DWT possible CWT possible Support width 2N-1 Filters length 2N Regularity abou

6、t 0.2 N for large N Symmetry far from Number of vanishing moments for psi N Reference: I. Daubechies, Ten lectures on wavelets CBMS, SIAM, 61, 1994, 194-202Wfilters函数 小波滤波器 Lo_D,Hi_D,Lo_R,Hi_R = wfilters(wname) F1,F2 = wfilters(wname,type) Lo_D,Hi_D,Lo_R,Hi_R = wfilters(wname) computes four filters

7、associated with the orthogonal or biorthogonal wavelet named in the string wname. F1,F2 = wfilters(wname,type) returns the following filters: Lo_D and Hi_D (Decomposition filters) If type = d Lo_R and Hi_R (Reconstruction filters) If type = r Lo_D and Lo_R (Low-pass filters) If type = l Hi_D and Hi_

8、R (High-pass filters) If type = h cwt Continuous 1-D wavelet coefficients Syntax COEFS = cwt(S,SCALES,wname) COEFS = cwt(S,SCALES,wname,plot) COEFS = cwt(S,SCALES,wname,PLOTMODE) COEFS = cwt(S,SCALES,wname,PLOTMODE,XLIM)小波 GUI简介 Wavemenu启动n作业 :使用 MATLAB的小波函数 waveinfo在命令行中查看常用的几种基本小波的详细信息或者在小波工具箱的图形接口界面中的 wave Display工具箱中查看 .


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